Tuesday, January 6, 2015

DeBlasio, DeBalls ? Britton Public SHAMING

       NYPD Blue is a TV show and certainly not an example of the New York police Commissioner we have today, due to his statement to the police of New York as he followed in the footsteps of Bill DeBlasio. I realize politics but when does a man stand up and speak for himself instead of a political  tail wagging. Britton gave permission to police to do as they felt they needed to, but asked not to since this was a funeral, so now he goes along with DeBlasio in a public shaming of the police.
     Both of these so called top men refused to recognize and state the truth. This back turning was about DeBalls aka DeBlasio and the great Police of New York who were showing their disrespect for DeBlasio and only when DeBalls aka DeBlasio was speaking.
     Britton, wag your tail and follow DeBlasio aka DeBAlls out of office. I know your career, the money is at risk, but do you have any shame at all ? Have you heard of self-respect ?
     Let's just hope the police don't turn their backs on either of you if you ever need them as you both have done to them in a public shaming by stating they did this during the actual funeral, when you both know they did this only when DeBAlls was at the podium.

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