Friday, January 16, 2015

Bruce & Patrick AGE & WEIGHT-Patrick & Boxlightner

       What a shock when I saw both of these men in a hallmark movie. I thought they were close in age, but looked them up and yes, Patrick is a little bit older, almost a year.
        Yet as I watched both of these men walk down a short path, then about to sit, I noticed how easily Patrick Duffy sat while Bruce Boxlightner  did one of those uh, letting a breath out sitting down, not as easy. It was very obvious why. Bruce has packed on the pounds. I'm no skinny and have already started on daily changes because I don't want to look so much older than I am.
        When the movie opened, Patrick looked like he could be father of the bride, while Bruce looked like Grandfather of the groom. I hate to insult, but this  is an eye opener for me, for sure.
      Patrick Duffy will be 66 in March 2015 and Bruce will be 65 in May 2015. They look about the same height and it ends with that. So we all know weight equals age as in how old do you really look compared to how old you really are. But what to do about it ? A meal at a time.
    First please look up Dr. Josh AXE. He is authentic, not trying to starve people, but is so easy to grasp what is good for us and what is poisonous. I thought as do many how great olive oil is-check again. But Grape seed oil. I just listened to another u tube video on building muscle and losing fat-It comes down to how much protein you need, According to AXE we need to eat half of our body weight to build muscle and to burn fat 7 percent of body weight and I have started that today. He also tells us WHEY protein is a good source to build protein and I already have that.
    Are there vegetable you can't see eating because you don't like the taste? Me too, so I started roasting an assortment, sprinkled  thyme and basil on them, added a cut up apple or pear and I got delicious. Okay that's enough for now. Good luck and try it. What have you got to lose?

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