Saturday, January 17, 2015

Patience Paid off Times Three

         A few months ago, I sent  a friend in another state some money to help get through a few days until pay day. The problem ? It was never picked up. I was very surprised when I received a letter from Western Union letting me know the money needed to be re-issued or returned to me. I chose to return to me, but I didn't have the tracking number. Why would I three months later? So I called Western Union during the week, a week ago and was told to go back to the agent which was at a grocery store, have them call Western Union to get the tracking number as they would have to put their own agent number in.
      So I waited until today, of all days, a Saturday. Now just before going to the store, I stopped at a convenience store to cash a dollar scratch off. IT was laying on my desk for two weeks as I rarely buy them anymore. Weening myself off coffee I just had to sop, get coffee and cash in my 4.00 ticket-BUT it was a 20.00 ticket. Cool, so now I buy a couple of power balls. Hey ya never know. Okay now off to the grocery store, explained it all to the clerk who called W.U. and just didn't have time to mess with this as it is a huge store and the counter was busy. Taking the paperwork, I walk over to the store's cafe and wait, and wait and wait on hold until finally about forty minutes later an agent comes on, from India possibly. The accent was thick and the guy was nice. Finally he tells me he has to talk to the clerk and there I was, bounding to the counter, hoping they didn't have a line and asking the agent to have as much patience with me as I have just had with Western Union.
      He laughs and tells me not to worry, he will wait, and wait he did. Another finally I was given back the sixty dollars and decided while there to buy a bunch of fruits and vegetables, and a couple of filet Mignon's. The groceries came to 56.21-so of course that feels free after getting 60.00 back, and in the check out, the cashier hands me my receipt and tells me i have forty cents off a gallon of gas ! I wasn't paying attention to my gas pints at the grocery store for a while and now here I was, tank almost empty and end up paying 1.73 a gallon. Patience pays off :) P.S. Keep your WU receipts for two months

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