Friday, January 2, 2015

Spring Grove PA. Discriminates/Foster Children

        Some years ago I had a child who I cared for, an African American female who had alopecia and a school aide got away with so many negative things to this girl and she should have been fired. She told her "Where's your wig, you should wear your wig" it was endless.

      Now we have  a child who they refused to place in a proper setting. WHY? Because as I was told, It's so expensive, we can't afford that because I have to be financially responsible for every child. The activity fund for high school kids was more that what was allowed for Special Education at Spring Grove School in PA. Another two comments were "is he staying" and "these foster kids sure move around".
   I know another parent who has a child in the same district and has to fight tooth and nail to have the child participate in activities as in "inclusion". But because the child is special needs beyond what is used to, the easy answer is, push away, and keep pushing until the parents find another way or give up fighting a very rich school.
                   Seven teachers will not be replaced giving the school back 750,000
and building allocations were reduced by 50,000.....Maybe a few just received a higher rate of pay.

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