Friday, January 23, 2015

14 WIves, 200 KIds, one Father, AUB, Salt Lake, UTAh

        I can't believe what I'm watching. This is a cult in Salt Lake City Utah. Three sisters with different mothers and a same father went through sexual abuse, beatings and more, escaped. This place is known as , THE ORDER, also AUB.
      Another man has 300 kids. They live in Poverty and intermarry with cousins and uncles. Why is this allowed to go on. Police have been there and removed some girls who were brave enough to call moms who escaped. These were daughters who married within THE ORDER only to learn the new husband soon wanted another wife and would beat his first wife, demean her. She was a lucky one to leave when her mom heard some of the beating on the phone. She called the police and all went together. The husband went to jail and the young girl left with her mom.
     Now the original three young ladies are rescuing other young women who they hear through friends, some male, that they want to escape. It was reported the AUB has over a billion dollars in their own bank. Supposedly they also have their own school and everything to keep them in one place and outsiders out. They do venture into the city, but rarely does a woman go, and they wear regular clothes, so as not to bring attention to themselves.
   Daniel is the nucleus of the KINGSTON CLAN as a mom reported. He is only there for sex and to make more babies. She works, pays the bills, daycare and ives in a horrendous apartment with mold, leaky ceilings and floors. The men  in the Kingston Clan do not want to allow and girls to leave as in wives, but will keep the children as a way to force women to remain.
   These are older men, mainly, who force young girl s to marry and get a license for the first wife legally, so they are living a bigamist life and  would be arrested as pedophiles if caught, put on Megan's list for child molesters, in my opinion.
   This is definitely something decent people should not stand idly by and allow to happen, part of taking back decency in our country. 

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