Monday, January 26, 2015

Snacks for SNOW Emergencies?

      I just read an article about someone stock piling for this snow emergency hitting the East Coast, and it was all about snack food, like popcorn etc. What about preparing ahead of time a crock pot of stew, and sure if electricity goes out, it's cold, but it's still REAL FOOD and nutritious . How about egg salad ahead of time, tuna fish, canned soups that you just pull open. Hot or cold, it's food. Also PB&J, crackers, yogurt, fruit. Also flashlights, batteries, a radio, blankets, things that you REALLY NEED!
    Sure popcorn is fine, as well as candy, chocolate, ice cream, but you also need first aid supplies too.
Buy what is needed first and then if in your budget or bank, buy those extras.
Stay warm everyone but as important, stay safe.

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