Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Where/Who is Antonio Santiago's President

       When Obama stood up, weather pressured or not as Tavis Smiley stated, the fact is he did stand up for Trayvon Martin. That's fine, but why didn't he stand up also for baby Antonio Santiago? Is this because its his last term in office? Everyone has an opinion and I'm no different. Why didn't he individually stand up for each and everyone who is murdered in this country every day. He chose this teen as a black representation of wrongdoing by a Peurto Rican. IF he didn't would his constituents support him after office in any manner he chooses to pursue? Did he really say what he felt? I doubt it.
        But imagine if every time a killing happened and whatever race was the injured party, that race rioted, protested, got so called reverends (Sharptonw/ Tawana Brawley) involved. Yeah that's who you want. Why aren't we looking deep enough into cause and justice? How come the justice system sets OJ free for murder but two kids who shoot a baby in the face killing him get to serve a term in jail with all of the tax payers money supporting them up the wazoo.
         Sure it's the jury. They are afraid of riots in many cases and places. With Zimmerman they probably thought, well he's not white so this is different. Sure is. Obama got involved, but poor Baby Santiago wasn't worth an acknowledgement of Obama. Zimmerman should have been arrested for disobeying a police order at the scene. If he obeyed, that kid would be alive today.
       Obama, stand up for Antonio Santiago !

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