Monday, July 8, 2013

Restaurant Food/s? Roach Salad ?

       I love eating out as much as the next person, but I have become more choosy, even at that we don't really know what goes on in the kitchen. A good example is a TV show, Kitchen Nightmares. Sure some may be for show, but I doubt most is. Who would want the public to know you have mold on your refrigerated foods and that frozen foods are freezer burnt? Slime on your favorite fish ? Lovely.
      Years ago my son worked at a popular so call Italian eatery. Frequently a manager would ask me to let him work later to clean up. Okay, that's good. They were cleaning, but they were doing an extra good job because the exterminators come by after the place closes, so no one knows about all the roaches and bugs they have.
         Just be a bit more picky and save your self some money and aggravation in the long run. If it's a night you just don't have it in you to cook, that's the night you really don't go out. Why? Because you're usually too tired to be picky, so do a help yourself night. PB&J sandwiches, eggs, cereal, anything better than roach salad.
     Have fun:)

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