Saturday, July 6, 2013

Electric Co.Finance's Tree Service-no int!!!

     People, ya gotta sign up for this one and it isn't one of those too good to be true deals. It's a real deal. I have close to 3000. worth of tree service that needs attention, huge overgrown Norwegian Spruce's and an area that started out as one tree, now if cleared I could put a two car garage in-of course if I had the money, but it will give me extra parking space, picnic tables, sitting area, a hammock, whatever, or nothing but a nice clearing which adds to my property value.
      Here is how you do it. First call your electric company if you don't live in York PA. Or if you have MET-ED, FIRST ENERGY, and there is one more, but not Adams Electric.;  OR Get in touch with Randy, Relaxr663@Netscape  He has all of the info and more.
      Here is how it works: Met Ed for example will finance up to three thousand dollars of tree services for thirty-six month (36) if you are on positive terms. So they add a payment to your already existing monthly bill. I don't know if that has anything to do with being on a budget, but this is definitely a program worth checking into.
     Randy came to my home today, a Saturday, which worked for me as I really wanted an estimate so I have an idea of what to work with. He showed up, was efficient, polite and filled with information about this Electric program. He even had forms ready if I wanted to sign so as not to hold anything up, but would also be void if I am not eligible.
     You Can even call Randy's Cell 717-793-0352
Thanks, You won't be sorry

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