Friday, July 26, 2013

Freakin kool-DIY BIke Wall Hanger !

    I am searching on a best way to hang my bike in my room. Doing a lot of room changing , getting rid of electronics and wooden hobby signs, feels so good to have more space. So I found this site. Please check it out.

You do have to have some knowledge of tools but it is mainly made from an old bicycle handle, turned upside down which makes it a very secure and firm place to hang your bike. I have one big hook and hope that works. Will let you know in a few days, after more rearranging.

   So here it is. Look up KYLE WILSON DIY wall bike hangar. It pops up on a first page in yahoo. Happy Biking...oh the pic is kool. He has his hanging right smack in the middle of a double window, like art.

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