Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Time Bank exchange for Services

    When I received a note about this meeting I said well, uh, maybe, so I e -mailed the person back and let her know I will think about going that this sounds good. Oh boy, the next day she sent an invite to go with her.
    Nooo, that means I have to commit. I do not like to commit, but hesitantly I thought if I do, that means I go and just might learn a few things. All in all I love the idea. You donate a few hours a week or month pertaining to your skills or you list a skill and what you need in exchange. Sometimes, or most times you don't have to exchange at all. If you give three hours to someone, someone else will give you three hours. NO MONEY! Unless of course parts are involved like fixing my dryer.
    These are old fashioned people, but not necessarily old. Remember the hippies? They took care of one another, met each others needs. Many churches are like that, so hey, in a way you'd be going to church once a week, doing in the name of Jesus or ?
   That money you just saved? Put it away. The time you just gave ? Figure out what it would cost and save it-if you can. Imagine every car inspection only adding up to the service charges because some person repaired everything and in turn you cleaned a home, watch kids and made meals for a week and heck, cleaned their car too. But it's all about time, give, take and managing.
     I'm all for it. I bet you have skills you forgot all about. Why not try it in your area ?

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