Monday, July 29, 2013

New Pesticide Laws in Your State-POT!

       You are now eating fruits and vegetables with pesticides ( as always) unless you are eating organic. Hopefully you know the trail from where your food comes from. Laws are changing in every state about Pesticides. Check it out, look it up, become informed. Do you know what you are feeding your children ?
   Recently a law was passed that pesticides can be used on medical marijuana. Now, does that make sense ?
    Get to know people more and see how you can grow a small garden if for only one vegetable, pesticide. I have a big enough space and don't grow anything. Hypocrite ? Well.... I can't be out in the heat and sun moving around. But now I am meeting some new people and if here next year will use half of my property for a community garden and now know a good way to spread the word.

     Eat well, live well and be happy.

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