Thursday, July 4, 2013

Make it Count Today !!!

       I know you may have heard this many times before, but if most people would buy one American made product today, that would hit big businesses who send work overseas, a good old fashioned kick in the ass. We need reminders about products, prices and buying American.
        Take another look at the footwear on your children's feet. Look up where it's made and who do you think is making it.  Mainly kids and women in China, for about fifty cents a day. I don't even want to mention the names of products giving them free advertisement. Anyway how much do those sneakers cost? 89.95 and up? No wonder the small family businesses have disappeared.
       Please, go on-line, look up American made sneakers, tee shirts jeans etc. I know you may be in for a shock in the price tags, but seriously look at the price tag we put on ourselves by buying from that big W store aka Chinatown.

     Here is what you get when you buy American made products:
  • Better service
  • American products by Americans
  • Better products
  • keeping American money in America
  • true fair trade practices
  • saving jobs of the American worker
  • saving homes and property of Americans
  • and if you have a problem with an American made product, you can call to speak with an American in America who speaks English!

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