Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Jonathan, Love that Voice !

    America's Got Talent-again in this young man and his voice. At age twenty he has the voice of a well-seasoned opera singer. In Italian he sang a song which brings chills to any music lover. Although his story is sad, telling the public his parents threw him out at age eighteen because he's gay, now not as sad  as he stood there, proud with a voice to show he has a future. As far as his story goes, who knows.
    I 've heard all my life there are two sides and yes there are two sides, but that doesn't always mean because the parents put on a good public face and image that terrors aren't happening behind closed doors. Yes I am aware it can also be out of control children too. No one really knows except the people involved.
   So Jonathan, good for you. It takes a lot of guts to go on a stage with million viewers and if you're a stand up guy in your every day life, I hope you  succeed ! I for one would definitely buy your record, gay or not :) BTW, a couple of days ago, another young man, also gay, came out and brilliantly sang opera. I only have one question, what does being gay have to do with singing ?

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