Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Work Hours vs. That DS kids Gift, see bottom

       Some years ago close to Christmas I met a woman who invited me over to her home. I had a chance to see another side of life at Christmas time. They were far from rich but well financially preserved. They gave their fourteen year old child one gift for Christmas. The same for birthdays. I heard it all before, why should we spend what we work so very hard for and have it gone because of one day of the year ? They were right, yet I have a hard time because of being raised so differently.
       Then with my own children, I always had a big Christmas, so how do I change now ? I don't unless of course as I get older and finances aren't what they once were, well you get my drift.
        Back to these people. They are foster parents. The gift was seventy dollars. The boy was very happy for a little while, but then it was, I just got one gift. Well that's the problem with being raised in many different foster homes. I'm not too sure what I'm getting at here, except don't spend your hard earned money on these very expensive electronics.
       If you want your child to have it, please make them earn and save for it. I've seen it. They take better care of things when they buy them with money they worked for. It's somehow different when you worked for it. The past few generations are not like many years ago.
      Detention centers are filled with kids who won't listen, filled with them. Residential centers are exploding all over the united States with kids who won't listen, think they should have because they want. Psych hospitals again, are filled with kids, locked in, all locked in because of so many mental health issues. WHY ???

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