Sunday, July 21, 2013

Crossing Lines= Over Ugly ?

     Okay so what is it the producers and directors were trying to do when they cast these people?  Or did they find a whole bunch of pretty and dip some in the Ugly pool ? I know we get tired of people who look so beautiful, they almost look fake, but this is so opposite. Yes, I am jealous. I'm not even in between !
    Tonight when I turned it on, one guy has a nose that looks like he was smacked in the middle with an axe, sliced right down the middle. Donald Sutherland is the best looking most average of the bunch and he has to be about ninety eight years-old.
  The people who are average looking...well ya can't understand a word they say.
Maybe this is show about who can try to watch and listen the longest.When you put the two together, I for one, get out my foreign language dictionaries and some modeling magazines and just pretend. That is if I'm bored enough. Yup, they sure crossed lines here.
   Hey people...just a sense of humor....reaching for the remote.

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