Saturday, July 27, 2013

Jesus IS on Facebook...

       Well how do you know He isn't ? If you believe, He is everywhere and imagine if He is reading everything we post, language, slutty stuff (sorry God) and all the crap (sorry God-again) we put out there. But there is also so much good and great stuff we post, good news, kid news, new born babies-nothing like that-and we send prayers for those we love and even those we don't. Maybe if we did pray more for those we don't love, we' turn life around.
       How did we forget Onward Christian Soldiers? To me that says it all if we are Christians, believers in God and what He means. No matter, a Jew, a Christian, and any other faith, if that faith is about doing goodness and believing then Onward Christian Soldiers we are.
          To me that means a Christian soldier doesn't have to talk it-but you do have to walk and live it. I know a man who I never knew. By that I mean he just was a guy, some guy, a neighbor, a friend,(kind of) a husband and father, but I didn't really know him in depth and no reason to, except if I needed someone to act as a friend, he would be there, he was there and showed me others as good and as nice as he, but they talked the talk and walked the walk. For me when a person is too preachy I wonder, is there a catch. There wasn't.
         I trust more people, who do, just do without the preachy part. Unless I ask of course. This guy was like another who I knew as a kid. He walked the walk, showed by example and spoke quietly. Honest, integrity and character. I loved that man, still do. I think about Jesus and that man as I know this other person, and see in His likeness, those two men.
      So now when you post on face book, think about what you write, and I will too. By the way, I don't know why I wrote this tonight, but Jesus comes to us at all kinds of times. That makes me wonder who knocked so softly on my door yesterday. I didn't answer, so maybe tonight He came to me about face book.
Pleasant Dreams.

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