Monday, July 15, 2013

Zimmerman and Justice? Now the gov't is involved...

     First I have to admit, I like most do not know or understand the law. With this case I am on the fence only because I don't know the truth. I have been sent e mails of Trayvon Martin not looking at all like the pictures which have been made constantly public, in a hooded sweatshirt, looking like an average cute fourteen or fifteen year old. In the photos I received, unless doctored it was Trayvon at seventeen, working out and physically the size of a well built man.
So what's true?
        The only thing I know to be true, to be a fact, is part of a conversation between the police and Zimmerman. In that the police told Zimmerman to stop and go back , do not approach. So in that situation at that moment, Zimmerman decided, his ego decided, not to obey the police. He should have in my opinion, been arrested at the scene as he did indeed cause the death by disobeying the police. If he obeyed, that kid would still be alive.

      So now we have a jury-of peers? Didn't look like that to me, six women? Again I don't know how the system works so why not a jury of twelve? But these were not his peers and why didn't the prosecution fight for a jury of more diversity, at the least a few men?
     Finally, now we have government involvement. WHY???? Don't they trust the  justice system? What does this tell us. It yells, it doesn't matter how a jury finds because if the govt wants to get in it and try to change things they will. Why didn't they get involved with the OJ trial and or any since. Maybe this is about race, but with a different spin on it. We better look at every killing and make sure we get it right or the govt will get involved, as they have shown we can't trust our jurors to get it right.
    So while he was found not guilty, in my opinion he is guilty of a wrongful death, again, because he disobeyed the police.

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