Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dr. Tom Getz, Penn State York Pa.

     Suddenly I found myself analyzing the English language on TV. People say things like, there wasn't no one on the street and right away I find myself mentally correcting, there wasn't anyone on the street. I do this so often I make myself nuts. All due to taking an English class with Dr. Getz, well it ended I took five English classes, three with him and two with other professors. He was/is a man with patience and kindness and taught me so much I only wanted to keep learning, even now.
      Once you learn how to speak correctly, at least this is how it is with me, I correct everyone and self correct. I hear people say things like, he needs self esteem for himself AAH ! Can they hear themselves ? So if I do this, what does an English professor do and or think when he or she hears people murder the English language.
       Even my son and I got into it, but finally agreed to call it quits. I don't like arguing unless it's something I am overly passionate about. That means kids, and a  few great people I knew and know.
    In the end I am better off just watching old shows about Brooklyn. I get what I expect and it seems normal...yet I still mentally correct. Then I tell myself to just shut-up. Thank you Dr. Getz for everything it's worth you gave me more than you know. I did keep writing as you suggested I do. One day...

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