Sunday, July 28, 2013

The"Sister"hood of the Catholic Church

     What is the Vatican afraid of, trying to put Nuns in their place and keeping them down ? While I am not Catholic I see it as the people in power in the church are men and the women, Nuns do all of the Physical work, well most of it. I have seen Nuns nurse, clean, cook, serve, wash floors, take care of the sick, collect money in subways and take orders from Priests.
     "Nuns on a Bus" is a group of Nun fighting for equality, a very large group. Recently the nun who is  a big part of this was called to Rome as what she is doing and what other nuns are doing is called a CRISIS by the church. The head priest in an interview tonight said yes it is a crisis. Imagine a crisis because nuns are fighting for equality and will not obey too much longer orders from men. In her good sense of humor the Nun who is leading this stated, haven't we always had problems with men? That's reality, but in this Church, the Catholic church women who signed up to do it all agreed to obey God.
    After all, if the Nuns were equal, who would do all the dirty work ? Now I know I am not educated in the Catholic church and am not knocking the church itself, only the fact that they want to keep women "in their place". As a nun stated in this interview, "we signed on to obey God, not man". These ladies are banding together as women, as women who serve, as women who love God and want to be able to continue to do so, but as they choose, to also be equal in serving as priests are, to stand in a pulpit and preach, to baptize and all thing that their male counterpart does.
       Think about this, can the priests do what the nuns do in every sense? Sure why not? But look more often at the hands of nuns and then look at the hands of the priests ! Who is really working harder ? I wonder too who is being paid more and who has more benefits ? That wasn't even mentioned-unless I missed it.

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