Monday, May 26, 2014

Delivery Fee? Pay Someone Else

       I just looked at delivery fees for Macy's delivery fees. They are nuts ! To me it's just lain greed. Yes two men or women may be needed and I consider the gas, but 90. for a sofa ? Come on Americans, pay a friend with a truck and help the friend out, or rent  a van and 40., take a good friend along and have free help, then you return the favor. Of course they will tell you, we can't be responsible for damages once it leaves the store-so inspect before it leaves the store.
      These companies have not one hand in your pocket but three, two which belong to the company and another for the hell of it. Macy's charges up to 190. for delivering 5 piece of furniture and of course we don't know until we get there and order to see what five pieces entails. Imagine how you can help a friend out for that much? I would rather pay my repairman the same price than to pay and overcharging company the fee.
      Help your friend and do the same. Watch out for delivery fees and before you go, talk to a few people, even ask at a local church if they have someone with a truck who can help. Remember God helps those who help them selves :)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Bear, not included :)

  Ladies and Gentle men, please take some time when you have some time, not while driving or sleeping, eating or praying, planting a garden or swimming, playing basketball or checkers, doing your hair or nails, but other than that, please take some time to look at my etsy store.     You see I am working on my very cluttered house. Having taken all of the doors off the kitchen cabinets, painted the ceiling and walls, I have a bed in the kitchen as well as all of my sewing supplies except materials. The bed? Oh it's just for a little guy, three years old when he comes to visit in October. I also have one bookcase going out and a smaller one going in but still both in my small kitchen.
    Presently there are two boys living here, one who will be moving soon and I will paint that room, fill the holes from pictures and posters which he placed where he felt a need to. That room will become the room for visitors, such as my children and their little families. I posted many books and records on CL. No one wants them because to them , their not worth a million, so I will donate them. Big books, fat books, and heavy books, all to be carried to the car, then carried to the library which has a very long walk way. So much to do and I do take my time to do it as I can or am able.
   Then a call comes. I'll be stopping by soon. NOOOOOO. I don't want company for another month. The kitchen floor needs, well needs to be replaced, cabinet doors still have to be sanded, primed and painted, by me. The brick wall in back of the stove needs to be primed and painted. That I did years ago when brick was the thing to do. Oh well.  Big sigh. So back to ladies and gentle men, and yes, duh-I know the word is gentlemen. Here's the link again so you buy, I cry, then I try, to make new, more, create again. It's what I've been missing. My material is waiting and as you know, it's better to sell now and create more later. Hey ! I have super hero's material. Check out Etsy and stay away from those other shops :)

School's Out Education in 4 Summer

       Years ago I lived in Oregon and there was year round school in my area. I loved it it as I think most stay at home parents did. But if you're a working parent outside of the home, it just doesn't seem to jell, but it can. Year round school helps kids keep their brains trained to education, as ongoing and steady. That two week break in between is helpful and enjoyable. If that isn't better than having school from September to June, nothing else is.
      If nine months as it seems to be of school is so great then why is it parents are so relieved to have kids back in school after just about five or six weeks at home? Because it's too much togetherness for many.
       Think about it this way: day care centers, jobs, traffic and more can be lessened but making the same money and less congestion on highways. Why? Because year round school will be different in every district or every county. It can be worked out. After all, look at those who run businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. If they're smart enough to do that why can't a better system of education be figured out. Think about vacations too. All of the retirees leave to go places in September and October because kids are in school so let's screw with them :)
      Our Children need to be educated year round and it's up to us as parents to do just that. Kids will complain... and we'll hear them moan and groan oh mom or dad, it's summer, why now ? Tough. Keep their brain trained to learn while it's young and curious. Do your job too. Listen, really, really listen to what they ask and say. Get  a few books and lay them on the coffee table. They'll look, they'll be curious. Even put one that you really want them to read in the bathroom-if you have two bathrooms . Lay a book on the back seat of the car. They'll pick it up, but make sure they don't bring a toy along or any other distraction. A book is better than being bored on a car trip.
       Teachers are there for our kids in so many ways that we forget about and yes they get paid to teach, but not to play psychologist, nursemaid, referee, and friend. But they do it anyway, so let's appreciate that, not take education for granted as kids do when they're young, but help out. Education is a right, but it' also a privilege, so pitch in. You'll be happy with the results.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Moving Back To Brooklyn

       Is it possible? As expensive as it is to live in New York is it possible to move back ? It isn't like living there from day one and getting into a rent controlled apartment or buying a home for fifty thousand dollars.
       So here I was last night dreaming about moving into a Brownstone across the street from where my friend lived on 57st above 6th ave in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Who doesn't love a Brownstone? So in my dream my friend is telling me I wouldn't be able to afford it, and I told her, well I'll make a call first and see how much they want. They wanted only 170,000.00
     I told my friend I can do that, no problem. She just laughed. But somehow that dream moved to another area in Brooklyn, wrought iron railings on the brownstone and the neighborhood was so much more crowded with people jamming the sidewalks. In the dream I didn't have any idea where I was but made another phone call. This time I met with a small woman of Chinese descent who told me the house was at a very good price, only 2.3 million dollars. I said thank you, looked at my friend and said no way.
    I guess that the last part of my dream was more reality, a true wake up call as I soon woke up. Thinking about this dream I knew I would not be moving back, although I hope to at some point. I want to wake up, go for a walk on a sidewalk, stop at a diner, grab coffee and a bagel, go to the beach in winter or fall. Maybe summer too:) I want to stand and watch boats in the harbor pass and look at the Verrazano Bridge,  maybe go to the theater, or take a drive to the island. Long Island for those who don't know, "the island".
    The cultures too are what I miss. I love going to Bensonhurst, Italian bakeries, 13th ave, Jewish delicacies, watching the Norwegian  Day parade every year, St. Patty's Day, Polish Kielbasi (but don't care for it) Spanish Rice which I love and much more.
    I'll still go up to visit as I left my heart in Brooklyn, but a bigger piece of my heart first and foremost is with my children who live in other states. So for now and maybe forever this will continue to be my residence, home to my children when they visit and home for me when they visit. It's true, home is where the heart is, anytime any place.

Friday, May 16, 2014

IMPOUND ? Way Around it...?

       I am watching a show which I never saw before and one of the car owners said this is all Divine intervention. It sure was for him and his wife that day. Most of us would never think to do it the way he did. Between impound fees, fines and what would be towing expenses, they were about to pay over seven hundred dollars.
      To get around  a majority of costs, they sold the car to a friend for one dollar, I think transferred plates and then they were allowed to drive the car off the lot.
      Find out first hand how to do this. I'm sure when enough people learn how to do this, the law will make a new law that states, cars cannot be sold until all costs are met, so car in impound, sell it to a trustworthy friend. Good Luck-where there a will, there's away and today in that show, God was with this family.
     Oh Philadelphia, they love to boot your car. Parking on the sidewalk is illegal, yet it's up to the ticketers who they ticket. If you park just a foot, okay, two feet, not okay. WHAT BS! There isn't a law that states if you park five inches or a foot you get a ticket. It is just this: Parking on the sidewalk is illegal. So the ticketers are using their own discretion, feeling if you are too far on the sidewalk and people or baby carriages can't pass or wheel cahirs, you get a ticket, but park just a little bit, you don't get a ticket-this is nice, but baloney. Who do these ticketers think they are to change the law which is what they are doing-this is in South Philly. Harrisburg Pa. was also shown as another state which I missed most of.

    Good luck, put extra money in the meters, stay off the curb completely and keep your registration up as well as insurance. Don't let it overlap if you switch companies, all problems on this show where people were caught, cars impounded,  no stopping in no stopping zones, tickets given and paychecks end up no longer your.

Friday, May 9, 2014

A Child's Fascinations'

       This little boy I know has an amazing variety on interests, questions and fascinations. His questions come at me one after another, some before he finishes the first one. Think that's not possible? You just don't know him. I'll call him Benjamin, which according to him is a good enough name. He also wants to change his name so no know knows who he is. Sounds like a mystery story ?
     His eyes are as bright as the sky on a sunny day and hair as swept as sand on a windy day. With tiny hands he can be seen reaching for anything, anything at all and asking, what's this? What's this for? When did it get here? Who made it? Why did they make it? Did anyone else make it before? No? Why? That's how it goes with him. He asks why is God here? Who made God. Did he get here before you or me and what will happen to God if the earth is gone?
    Then of course like most kids, he has an interest in bugs, but more questions, such as, how did they get here, did God put them here, will they hurt, why do they want to come inside or stay outside and how did they get that color? On and on and on his questions go. Many, many times they are not related to one another at all. He might ask, can I build buildings and go right to can I grow my own food then immediately after ask what does a certain word mean.
     I suspect somewhere inside of him is a little genius. He may not grasp most answers most of the time, but most of the time he will ask again, either the next day or  a few days later. So my point here is when children ask questions, don't put them off, don't push away, don't bemoan the situation. But do take breaks, after all a child is looking up to you and a child is part of your future.

Jello Phone

      Have you seen that commercial where the teens phone is ringing-from the fridge? Every time I hear that or even see it, I look for my own phone as I keep it on Vibrate and nope, it isn't my phone but the jello phone...grrr

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Goofy's Rt. 116 York Pa.

       Some time ago I friend told me about Goofy's, only that "she heard" that Goofy's has the best burgers in town or anywhere around here. I should have gone then, because my very first visit tonight wasn't what I expected. Exhausted, paint stained body and hungry all I wanted was that great burger.
The first waitress had a tattoo on her left arm and approached me asking who was first, me or the table next to me. I told her the other party. I had two boys with me. They were more patient than I was tonight as I watched another waitress go right to a couple, man and woman who just arrived within  three minutes of the waitress coming over and getting drinks and then taking their orders. SO here I was, just a woman with two kids being ignored for too long, but still I waited. I waited only because it would take to long to go elsewhere, order and wait again.
     Finally she comes over and takes our orders. Pleasant enough she smiles at the boys, myself and returns some time later with our food. Then brought the mozzarella sticks because as she explained the were burned with cheese all over the fryer-all that is understandable. I was fine-until I bit into that supposedly great burger.
      I ordered it cooked medium. It came back well-done. I didn't complain. What's the use. Hungry and now disappointed I ate all of it just so I could leave as soon as possible. This bar/Restaurant is a family type in a sense but really, it's made for hard working every day people. It has a strange sense of home. I felt like that when I sat down so I could see why the locals liked it, and yes I too am now a local, have been for too many years. Many bikers patronize Goofys. I guess when you're drinking you can't taste quality. Yet I have to add,  as well done as my burger was, it wasn't awful. I ordered a mushroom Swiss and with lettuce and tomato it was juicy and a little tasty, but fat from Great. More like the kind you'd have with a beer.
      I have to say on a positive note the mozzarella sticks were delicious with just a right hint of spice.  Yet on another note there was a baby in a carrier/seat about seven month old with older people. I'd guess grandparents. The music was rocking to a beat like a thump, thump, loud and wrong for a bas delicate ears. How selfish it was of those adults to bring a baby into that noisy atmosphere, and as far as Goofy's goes, they should have a sign: Children under five or seven, something like that "not allowed"! For me on a scale of one to ten, Goofy gets a three. I was looking for that forever great bar restaurant, but I know Goofys isn't the place. The music too was wrong for even my age boys at twelve and sixteen. Goofy's I wonder what happened to that great burger I was told about. Mine tasted like a frozen patty.

Ron and a Spalding Ball


  For some time now, this gentleman has been making home improvements to state it as a matter of fact. But more than that, he offers suggestion, always with a gentle few words such as, "now I'm not saying you should, just think about it". He's usually right on target. Anything from rototilling  a garden to fixing doors, cutting down brush, picking up and moving concrete blocks and hauling it away, measuring and replacing bathroom tiles, checking roof vents, put up a side awning, storm doors, well I can't think of more off the top of my head-oh yes, he has even driven over to do my driveway, snow removal.
      Ron has also at times given a little bit of manly advice to a kid here or there in my home. Now if he could just cook!
       While I feel guilty knowing he's working so hard, I really want to lay down on the sofa, put on the TV and rest. I am trying to improve things in the home, room by room and now my biggest issues is the kitchen, but day to day I get a little more done.
       Now, the spalding ball and Ron. Today he is outside clearing away years of junk piled up and comes across a "spaldeen", as we as kids always called it but officially a spalding ball, small, pink and happy. Lost in the debris of leaves, tires, iron posts and wood, it finds Ron. Yes, I know Ron found it. Yes, as many times as kids have been playing there, in all the last fifteen years, no one found it. You see that little ball was only meant to be found by a guy from Brooklyn. I am also from Brooklyn, made sense. I washed it right away. But years of dirt grabbed onto the pink surface. Like us, we wear away, yet underneath, we're just like that spalding ball, anxious to pop up again.
     Stepping inside Ron, bounces the ball and tells me look what I found; remember stick ball? Boy did I!  I could hit two sewers. This was the happiest part of my day. There's noting at all like a childhood memory from where a person grew up to bring a sparkle of happiness along with a step of youth, pictures of the block, friends and nostalgia. The windmills of our minds as the song goes. Thank you Ron, for all of your  hard work and the memory, refreshed.

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Oriole Mill, American Made

      A few days ago, I was mesmerised by an American company which made and still makes such wonderful products out of fine woven threads. I am only sorry as I write this, that I don't have their link, but all you have to do is search The Oriole Mill.
      I did go to their Web site and loved every second of it. You would have thought you were on Long Island in the Hampton's or Martha Vineyards or at Martha Stewart, sorry Oriole Mill. I don't know how many of Martha's products are actually made in America by Americans and that's where The Oriole Mill has it over all. It's all American !
      Please don't shy away from the expense as it is expensive, but I promised myself to save for one item for my daughter and son who are both grown, but I want them to help keep and remember we need to buy American or we will be call Chinatown before you know it. No offense to the Chinese, but big offense to the American Government who allows those big companies to go overseas, taking away jobs for Americans. Then want us to buy at high prices while they pay overseas little money with working women and children.
    Americans, please look up American companies and buy American and yes, I know, you're saying but it's so expensive. But you don't need a lot for a wardrobe ! You really don't! Here's a business for someone. ASC-American Swap Club. I just made that up. Come on ladies, stick together and show Americans, show government what we are made of! Now. All American for America, all the time.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Adopt Me...Please

       What a great Sunday Morning it is today. Are you a person who wants to adopt but feels you can't afford it. Well I'm here to pass along some facts to make that process easier.  Every state has what's called S.W.A.N. Statewide adoption network. This is a site for waiting children. Please take a look.
       Another way is to become a foster parent. Use an agency and call around for interviews. Some agencies to be honest pay a lot more than others as they realize he needs and what foster parents do deserve to be paid. Even with that when you think about being responsible twenty-four hours a day, it then comes down to not much, yet in one or two paychecks it can help the child and you as a second or first job. But you must have some kind of income prior to fostering.
       So to try to be brief, start as a foster parent and let them know you want to adopt. Tell them age and gender, race, religion if it matters. Make sure you're honest. Think about where you live too and if the new child will be happy there. I live in an almost white area and a neighbor who lives so very close, tells me they are Christian (giving a bad name) yet is a bigot, and drove the boy I had, away.
       If you adopt through foster care, it's free and you also negotiate, for a monthly stipend which can't be over the amount you receive for fostering. I know, negotiate? Yup, I felt the same way. Negotiate for a child, but the state insists.
      Many people think if they go through a private agency and get a baby, chances are better to have a more well rounded child. Nurture vs, nature. But look at that another way. We don't even know how our own kids will turn out because at some point in life the choices they make, are made by them, not us. Please, take a look at statewide adoption network. SWAN. If adoption scares you in fostering a child, think about becoming a legal guardian. Everything is almost the same, including a stipend, however if down the road the child's nature becomes such a problem you can no longer handle, or work with him or her, you can be released from Guardianship and I am only guess with this part, keep him in your home, back to fostering with the help and support from an agency.
  Good luck. There are thousands of children waiting for a home. Christmas will be here before we know it again. Take a chance, take a child :)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Julia Gillard

      I wish I knew more about this lady who has more guts than any politician I know about in the US.
If we. the United States of America, taking in immigrants followed her same path, her moral courage, we would be taking our own country back. We are slowly losing who and what we stood for because we have bleeding hearts in congress/running America.
      They are men and women who we and our children are supposed to look up to, model after. Are we kidding ? So now we have a hero amongst hero's or I should say heroines. Let our children look up to this woman. She tells it not just like it is to sound good, to get applause, to sound like a rock star. So many people voted for Obama because as I've heard he comes across like a rock star. Look at our rock stars. CAll then CROTCH stars, addicts, on and on. They are people who live a lavish life, spoiled, marry and remarry, have kids here and there. How and why should our kids look up to Rock stars?
     Yes, I did too at one time. I didn't know what and who they were, what they did, yet there was a time, I loved George Jones and one day as I was telling my kids that he beat his wife, my daughter reminded me as I did her, buying records and even listening to that music is in support of a man who beats his wife. I stopped listening. I stopped playing George Jones. Lets stop playing to the congressional, country leaders who think they're rock stars. Follow Julia Gillard. more than Australian, A much needed American at heart.

SHE Did it AGAIN !!!

I say we make her a citizen of the USA and run her for president !! Thumbs up
She Did It Again !!!

Australia says NO -- This will be the second time Julia Gillard has done this!

She sure isn't backing down on her hard line stance and one has to appreciate her belief in the rights of her native countrymen.

A breath of fresh air to see someone lead with guts and determination.
Australian Prime Minister does it again!!

The whole world needs a leader like this!
Description: Inline image 1

Prime Minister Julia Gillard - Australia

Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.

Separately, Gillard angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying she supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote:
'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT... Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture.
Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.'

'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.'

'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!'

'Most Australians believe in God.
This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you,then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs,
or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'.'

'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE.
We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country that accepted you.'

NOTE: IF we circulate this amongst ourselves in Canada & USA , WE will find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths.

If you agree please SEND THIS ON
and ON, to as many people as you know...
Love unconditionally and live like someone left the gate open!