Thursday, May 8, 2014

Goofy's Rt. 116 York Pa.

       Some time ago I friend told me about Goofy's, only that "she heard" that Goofy's has the best burgers in town or anywhere around here. I should have gone then, because my very first visit tonight wasn't what I expected. Exhausted, paint stained body and hungry all I wanted was that great burger.
The first waitress had a tattoo on her left arm and approached me asking who was first, me or the table next to me. I told her the other party. I had two boys with me. They were more patient than I was tonight as I watched another waitress go right to a couple, man and woman who just arrived within  three minutes of the waitress coming over and getting drinks and then taking their orders. SO here I was, just a woman with two kids being ignored for too long, but still I waited. I waited only because it would take to long to go elsewhere, order and wait again.
     Finally she comes over and takes our orders. Pleasant enough she smiles at the boys, myself and returns some time later with our food. Then brought the mozzarella sticks because as she explained the were burned with cheese all over the fryer-all that is understandable. I was fine-until I bit into that supposedly great burger.
      I ordered it cooked medium. It came back well-done. I didn't complain. What's the use. Hungry and now disappointed I ate all of it just so I could leave as soon as possible. This bar/Restaurant is a family type in a sense but really, it's made for hard working every day people. It has a strange sense of home. I felt like that when I sat down so I could see why the locals liked it, and yes I too am now a local, have been for too many years. Many bikers patronize Goofys. I guess when you're drinking you can't taste quality. Yet I have to add,  as well done as my burger was, it wasn't awful. I ordered a mushroom Swiss and with lettuce and tomato it was juicy and a little tasty, but fat from Great. More like the kind you'd have with a beer.
      I have to say on a positive note the mozzarella sticks were delicious with just a right hint of spice.  Yet on another note there was a baby in a carrier/seat about seven month old with older people. I'd guess grandparents. The music was rocking to a beat like a thump, thump, loud and wrong for a bas delicate ears. How selfish it was of those adults to bring a baby into that noisy atmosphere, and as far as Goofy's goes, they should have a sign: Children under five or seven, something like that "not allowed"! For me on a scale of one to ten, Goofy gets a three. I was looking for that forever great bar restaurant, but I know Goofys isn't the place. The music too was wrong for even my age boys at twelve and sixteen. Goofy's I wonder what happened to that great burger I was told about. Mine tasted like a frozen patty.

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