Monday, May 19, 2014

Moving Back To Brooklyn

       Is it possible? As expensive as it is to live in New York is it possible to move back ? It isn't like living there from day one and getting into a rent controlled apartment or buying a home for fifty thousand dollars.
       So here I was last night dreaming about moving into a Brownstone across the street from where my friend lived on 57st above 6th ave in Bay Ridge Brooklyn. Who doesn't love a Brownstone? So in my dream my friend is telling me I wouldn't be able to afford it, and I told her, well I'll make a call first and see how much they want. They wanted only 170,000.00
     I told my friend I can do that, no problem. She just laughed. But somehow that dream moved to another area in Brooklyn, wrought iron railings on the brownstone and the neighborhood was so much more crowded with people jamming the sidewalks. In the dream I didn't have any idea where I was but made another phone call. This time I met with a small woman of Chinese descent who told me the house was at a very good price, only 2.3 million dollars. I said thank you, looked at my friend and said no way.
    I guess that the last part of my dream was more reality, a true wake up call as I soon woke up. Thinking about this dream I knew I would not be moving back, although I hope to at some point. I want to wake up, go for a walk on a sidewalk, stop at a diner, grab coffee and a bagel, go to the beach in winter or fall. Maybe summer too:) I want to stand and watch boats in the harbor pass and look at the Verrazano Bridge,  maybe go to the theater, or take a drive to the island. Long Island for those who don't know, "the island".
    The cultures too are what I miss. I love going to Bensonhurst, Italian bakeries, 13th ave, Jewish delicacies, watching the Norwegian  Day parade every year, St. Patty's Day, Polish Kielbasi (but don't care for it) Spanish Rice which I love and much more.
    I'll still go up to visit as I left my heart in Brooklyn, but a bigger piece of my heart first and foremost is with my children who live in other states. So for now and maybe forever this will continue to be my residence, home to my children when they visit and home for me when they visit. It's true, home is where the heart is, anytime any place.

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