Monday, May 5, 2014

The Oriole Mill, American Made

      A few days ago, I was mesmerised by an American company which made and still makes such wonderful products out of fine woven threads. I am only sorry as I write this, that I don't have their link, but all you have to do is search The Oriole Mill.
      I did go to their Web site and loved every second of it. You would have thought you were on Long Island in the Hampton's or Martha Vineyards or at Martha Stewart, sorry Oriole Mill. I don't know how many of Martha's products are actually made in America by Americans and that's where The Oriole Mill has it over all. It's all American !
      Please don't shy away from the expense as it is expensive, but I promised myself to save for one item for my daughter and son who are both grown, but I want them to help keep and remember we need to buy American or we will be call Chinatown before you know it. No offense to the Chinese, but big offense to the American Government who allows those big companies to go overseas, taking away jobs for Americans. Then want us to buy at high prices while they pay overseas little money with working women and children.
    Americans, please look up American companies and buy American and yes, I know, you're saying but it's so expensive. But you don't need a lot for a wardrobe ! You really don't! Here's a business for someone. ASC-American Swap Club. I just made that up. Come on ladies, stick together and show Americans, show government what we are made of! Now. All American for America, all the time.

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