Friday, May 9, 2014

A Child's Fascinations'

       This little boy I know has an amazing variety on interests, questions and fascinations. His questions come at me one after another, some before he finishes the first one. Think that's not possible? You just don't know him. I'll call him Benjamin, which according to him is a good enough name. He also wants to change his name so no know knows who he is. Sounds like a mystery story ?
     His eyes are as bright as the sky on a sunny day and hair as swept as sand on a windy day. With tiny hands he can be seen reaching for anything, anything at all and asking, what's this? What's this for? When did it get here? Who made it? Why did they make it? Did anyone else make it before? No? Why? That's how it goes with him. He asks why is God here? Who made God. Did he get here before you or me and what will happen to God if the earth is gone?
    Then of course like most kids, he has an interest in bugs, but more questions, such as, how did they get here, did God put them here, will they hurt, why do they want to come inside or stay outside and how did they get that color? On and on and on his questions go. Many, many times they are not related to one another at all. He might ask, can I build buildings and go right to can I grow my own food then immediately after ask what does a certain word mean.
     I suspect somewhere inside of him is a little genius. He may not grasp most answers most of the time, but most of the time he will ask again, either the next day or  a few days later. So my point here is when children ask questions, don't put them off, don't push away, don't bemoan the situation. But do take breaks, after all a child is looking up to you and a child is part of your future.

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