Thursday, May 1, 2014

Julia Gillard

      I wish I knew more about this lady who has more guts than any politician I know about in the US.
If we. the United States of America, taking in immigrants followed her same path, her moral courage, we would be taking our own country back. We are slowly losing who and what we stood for because we have bleeding hearts in congress/running America.
      They are men and women who we and our children are supposed to look up to, model after. Are we kidding ? So now we have a hero amongst hero's or I should say heroines. Let our children look up to this woman. She tells it not just like it is to sound good, to get applause, to sound like a rock star. So many people voted for Obama because as I've heard he comes across like a rock star. Look at our rock stars. CAll then CROTCH stars, addicts, on and on. They are people who live a lavish life, spoiled, marry and remarry, have kids here and there. How and why should our kids look up to Rock stars?
     Yes, I did too at one time. I didn't know what and who they were, what they did, yet there was a time, I loved George Jones and one day as I was telling my kids that he beat his wife, my daughter reminded me as I did her, buying records and even listening to that music is in support of a man who beats his wife. I stopped listening. I stopped playing George Jones. Lets stop playing to the congressional, country leaders who think they're rock stars. Follow Julia Gillard. more than Australian, A much needed American at heart.

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