Sunday, May 4, 2014

Adopt Me...Please

       What a great Sunday Morning it is today. Are you a person who wants to adopt but feels you can't afford it. Well I'm here to pass along some facts to make that process easier.  Every state has what's called S.W.A.N. Statewide adoption network. This is a site for waiting children. Please take a look.
       Another way is to become a foster parent. Use an agency and call around for interviews. Some agencies to be honest pay a lot more than others as they realize he needs and what foster parents do deserve to be paid. Even with that when you think about being responsible twenty-four hours a day, it then comes down to not much, yet in one or two paychecks it can help the child and you as a second or first job. But you must have some kind of income prior to fostering.
       So to try to be brief, start as a foster parent and let them know you want to adopt. Tell them age and gender, race, religion if it matters. Make sure you're honest. Think about where you live too and if the new child will be happy there. I live in an almost white area and a neighbor who lives so very close, tells me they are Christian (giving a bad name) yet is a bigot, and drove the boy I had, away.
       If you adopt through foster care, it's free and you also negotiate, for a monthly stipend which can't be over the amount you receive for fostering. I know, negotiate? Yup, I felt the same way. Negotiate for a child, but the state insists.
      Many people think if they go through a private agency and get a baby, chances are better to have a more well rounded child. Nurture vs, nature. But look at that another way. We don't even know how our own kids will turn out because at some point in life the choices they make, are made by them, not us. Please, take a look at statewide adoption network. SWAN. If adoption scares you in fostering a child, think about becoming a legal guardian. Everything is almost the same, including a stipend, however if down the road the child's nature becomes such a problem you can no longer handle, or work with him or her, you can be released from Guardianship and I am only guess with this part, keep him in your home, back to fostering with the help and support from an agency.
  Good luck. There are thousands of children waiting for a home. Christmas will be here before we know it again. Take a chance, take a child :)

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