Tuesday, May 20, 2014

School's Out Education in 4 Summer

       Years ago I lived in Oregon and there was year round school in my area. I loved it it as I think most stay at home parents did. But if you're a working parent outside of the home, it just doesn't seem to jell, but it can. Year round school helps kids keep their brains trained to education, as ongoing and steady. That two week break in between is helpful and enjoyable. If that isn't better than having school from September to June, nothing else is.
      If nine months as it seems to be of school is so great then why is it parents are so relieved to have kids back in school after just about five or six weeks at home? Because it's too much togetherness for many.
       Think about it this way: day care centers, jobs, traffic and more can be lessened but making the same money and less congestion on highways. Why? Because year round school will be different in every district or every county. It can be worked out. After all, look at those who run businesses, schools, hospitals, and more. If they're smart enough to do that why can't a better system of education be figured out. Think about vacations too. All of the retirees leave to go places in September and October because kids are in school so let's screw with them :)
      Our Children need to be educated year round and it's up to us as parents to do just that. Kids will complain... and we'll hear them moan and groan oh mom or dad, it's summer, why now ? Tough. Keep their brain trained to learn while it's young and curious. Do your job too. Listen, really, really listen to what they ask and say. Get  a few books and lay them on the coffee table. They'll look, they'll be curious. Even put one that you really want them to read in the bathroom-if you have two bathrooms . Lay a book on the back seat of the car. They'll pick it up, but make sure they don't bring a toy along or any other distraction. A book is better than being bored on a car trip.
       Teachers are there for our kids in so many ways that we forget about and yes they get paid to teach, but not to play psychologist, nursemaid, referee, and friend. But they do it anyway, so let's appreciate that, not take education for granted as kids do when they're young, but help out. Education is a right, but it' also a privilege, so pitch in. You'll be happy with the results.

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