Friday, May 16, 2014

IMPOUND ? Way Around it...?

       I am watching a show which I never saw before and one of the car owners said this is all Divine intervention. It sure was for him and his wife that day. Most of us would never think to do it the way he did. Between impound fees, fines and what would be towing expenses, they were about to pay over seven hundred dollars.
      To get around  a majority of costs, they sold the car to a friend for one dollar, I think transferred plates and then they were allowed to drive the car off the lot.
      Find out first hand how to do this. I'm sure when enough people learn how to do this, the law will make a new law that states, cars cannot be sold until all costs are met, so car in impound, sell it to a trustworthy friend. Good Luck-where there a will, there's away and today in that show, God was with this family.
     Oh Philadelphia, they love to boot your car. Parking on the sidewalk is illegal, yet it's up to the ticketers who they ticket. If you park just a foot, okay, two feet, not okay. WHAT BS! There isn't a law that states if you park five inches or a foot you get a ticket. It is just this: Parking on the sidewalk is illegal. So the ticketers are using their own discretion, feeling if you are too far on the sidewalk and people or baby carriages can't pass or wheel cahirs, you get a ticket, but park just a little bit, you don't get a ticket-this is nice, but baloney. Who do these ticketers think they are to change the law which is what they are doing-this is in South Philly. Harrisburg Pa. was also shown as another state which I missed most of.

    Good luck, put extra money in the meters, stay off the curb completely and keep your registration up as well as insurance. Don't let it overlap if you switch companies, all problems on this show where people were caught, cars impounded,  no stopping in no stopping zones, tickets given and paychecks end up no longer your.

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