Monday, April 28, 2014

Dr. DePasquale dentist York Pa.

       Why would anyone want to go back to a dentist-ever? That was my feeling when my own Physician told me "you need to get that tooth out". I didn't care how ugly, broken or painful it may be, I was not ever going to go to a dentist again. But each time I was at my doctor's he repeated, "still have that tooth, it needs to come out". He only had my health in mind. I knew that but he didn't know why I didn't like going to a dentist. I know it doesn't really matter to anyone but me.
       Finally one day my doctor said after looking at my throat (this after about a two year period) you need to get that tooth out again, I said, I'm kinda afraid, don't like the dentist and he said, well neither do I but...Suddenly I added, not knowing why,I don't even know anyone to go to. Now he had me. With a big smile on his face he said, "how'd you like to go to my dentist?" Wow. Now this is class. A doctor was about to send me to his own dentist ? So in a flash he followed that up with, "wait, I'll get his card". He quickly got the card and told me, tell him I sent you and he's a Nice guy. Tell him I said that too :) He was smiling the whole time. Handing me the card, I read the dentists' name allowed, DePasquale, with a long E sound. Italian. Kool, different in this area. I thanked my doctor and left.
      When I got home I put the card on my desk by my computer and it still took a few months to work up my nerve to just make an appointment. Finally I did and finally I went.
Sitting a bit nervously I met his assistants, one was a high voiced talker so happy she just made me more nervous, but she was also so very nice, so I knew it was just me. They took full -x-rays to look for spots and any irregular things.
      Finally after the initial stuff was finished the dentist comes in. There he is, man of the day, Dr. DePasquale. A handsome just right age for a dentist, he has a nice relaxing personality, just like my medical doctor. He tells me what he sees in the x-rays but allows me so much time to ask questions, let him know how I feel and more.
     Dr. DePasquale has a great bedside manner if I can use that phrase meant mainly for medical doctors. He and his specialist assistant know just how to change a conversation to take your mind off things and even though I'm aware, it's just nice that the chats aren't always about dental stuff, but everyday things. With all of this, that was going on with today's appointment's, my tooth was removed and I never felt any pressure, no bumps into any other teeth, no , no, no bad feelings at all to keep me away ever again. I never knew he took my took out, until he said, "okay it's out".
   Dr. DePasquale with a long E , well that's how I like to say his name, I appreciate y, your staff and how respectful you are toward your patients. More Dental doctors like you are needed, but as far as I'm concerned, I can't wait to go back ! Now he's man/dentist of the year ! Thank you. You have made a serious difference in my...mouth :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

Help Me Sell a Bag and U get

       Okay, thought I'd try a different tactic. Check out and y a bag or have a friend buy a bag and I give free a smaller bag with a game in it, those genius games. Not sure how long I'll keep this up, but want to move my present inventory before I make more products. Here's a look at one bag set. This is a great size, all on under doozybags. I made this great Green polka dot bag, drawstring with an inside pocket, a pillow and blanket which fits inside the bag.
Enjoy this as something made in the USA :)

Nicole Curtis & Obama

       This young woman has done more for rebuilding America than Obama has and I don't care if people say, well she gets paid to do that, she earns a profit-well then DUH on you, so does Obama. Nicole Curtis rebuilds house after house to improve Detroit and surrounding areas. Where is it Obama grew up, lived? His friend who became mayor , what is he doing to improve the run down and rotting away homes that become hang outs for drug addicts. Not a thing. Sound familiar ?
     Nicole Curtis, you are a one woman celebration. You should be in charge of housing in America. That old expression, waste not, want not is you in a nutshell. Thank you for showing America what Obama is not doing.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

4974. vs.10,000 refacing Home Depot

   I took a little time, used prices on a higher end at Lowe's for new cabinets, too the highest price of 159. per cabinet so my new whole cabinets come out at 2226.00-Then again at a higher price at 77. per sq' ft. for counter tops comes out to 2748. a total o 4974.

    So refacing at Home Depot?  or new-do it yourself at 4974-which is easy to put new cabinets in-now the counter tops I'll need help with-but really-I am sticking to what I'm doing, painting my doors. Good Enough for me, but I'm sure not the people from Home Depot.
   Imagine ten thousand spent on just doors ! Oh yeah they wave to replace a board under the sink. Yup, I can do that too. :)

10,000, reface cab., Home Depot

       I couldn't believe it! Ten thousand dollars for cabinet refacing from Home Depot  A representative stopped one day as I went in, said this will just take a minute. I was interested until it took over ten minutes. I received a call setting up an appointment, then I had to cancel within a half an hour. That man who received my call said in an almost anguished filled voice Oh My God!
   It's a half an hour before, he's left already, why are you just...and I interrupted with why the drama in OMG? I have an emergency. He then changed his tune and we rescheduled.
   Today, Two people showed up. I knew then if one person couldn't handle showing me doors and figures this had to be out of the world expensive.  But, 10,000 ??? I have such a very small kitchen as the woman pointed out, also pointing out to me, that's not white, as if I wasn't looking at a dark sample door and didn't know the difference. NOW knobs. She said they are included. The man knew what he was doing, understood perfectly what I was saying, but she seemed to have a need to correct him and then added, things get caught on knobs. I wanted all pulls, no knobs. So now is this true or is she supposed to be agreeing with me to get a sale and downing her own company saying, things get caught on knobs. Well the kind of Pull I selected, things can get caught on those too.
       Ah, time for pricing, Boy was I off. When she showed me over 10,000, yes ten thousand dollars, then proceeded to tell me how much more for a new kitchen with plumbing and electric will cost because of course she had it done-but does that mean mine will cost the same? Oh yes, she added someone has to come in and approve all of that, and then taxes go up. SCARE TACTIC ? Doesn't work with me.... and hasn't she heard of second hand that are almost as good as new and people who do that work and doesn't include my taxes going up. Recycling kitchen cabinets cost a third of her price, or I should say Home De Pot. Remember, I have a very small kitchen ! 10,000 !!!
    If You live anywhere in York Pa. Check out Resource York-most towns and cities have recycled everything. Craisgslist , the same.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vocal Fry Voice=uhhh

      Why do women do that? It's such a pretentious thing to do. Young boys do it too and try to explain it as, my voice is changing. No it isn't you morons. You're just lazy, yet you use a norman voice when you want something or talk to an older male.
      But you young women who think you sound smarter or more important, you just sound simple. Vocal fry is when a person drops there voice to an almost gravely sounds and yet at times in teh same conversation forget what they're doing and use they're normal voice. I know a female psychologist who does that. If she only knew how dumb she sounds. With me asking questions and explaining her position, how she works etc. she used her vocal fry voice, but when she started speaking to a young kid she used her normal voice, so was she trying to impress me with that fact that she has a degree, is in an office or what?
      Brittany Spears does it too many actresses do it so is that psychologist acting? Or does Spears and the rest think they are on another level of society as in better than others. Those are teh people who do it. They do it to impress, to think they sound smarter -but don't- and they do it because they are pretending to be who they definitely are not. I really want to call the psychologist on this :) BUt she's so nice to the kids.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do Not Buy GoodYear Products=Ledbetter Law

        Men, if you love your the women in your lives do not buy from Goodyear. Women Goodyear does not respect females. Females make .77 to the 1.00 compared to men. Women were told who worked at Goodyear not to discuss pay or they would be fired.
       Lilly Ledbetter found out she was earning, after nineteen years at Goodyear only forty percent of what the men made who did the same job. That night, in the middle of the night she realized how that affected her retired, pension and all that she worked for, for many years. She sued, but not in time and won nothing from our supreme court which is mainly men.
        What Lilly Ledbetter did win on behalf of all generations of women to come was an equal pay law in her name, thanks in a big part to Ruth Ginsburg, a lady on the Supreme Court. I Bet all of those men had their tiny penis's in a knot, well almost, not big enough to tie.
   Do not buy from Goodyear. They fought to pay this lady her rightfully owed back pay. Let's send them a message that since they decided not to pay this lady what she fairly earned as well as any man, to hit them back. Do Not buy from Goodyear. Lets show them how people stick together against a huge money making corporation who screws women, like their own wives, daughters, grandchildren.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Jewish Food Festival, York Pa.

       Today I went to the local Jewish Community Center where a Jewish Food Festival is held ever year. I haven't gone in a few years and boy has it changed. There was a time when I had a membership for my children and myself at the JCC. We loved it, the community as a whole and loved as well maybe more the Jewish Festival every year.
       I don't know why it's changed so drastically, but it has. Maybe because the hours are only from 12-4? It' so crowded with lines, almost two blocks long. I saw one familiar face. Coming in a different entrance made eh walk longer and I who has a bad knee really didn't enjoy it, although I can use the exercise, so I decided when I saw the line to leave. Food, even as much as I loved it, wasn't worth that line. But as I was leaving I see another line. Now that's more like it, but even that was long. They ran out of hot dogs at 2:30. I had two boys who have never been there before.
     But the line was divided in two so you could get the same thing on either side, minus hot dogs. Hey, I had them home anyway and they were also kosher which doesn't matter to me, but they do taste better. So I ordered four knishes, two kugels and a corned beef on rye. I bought the boys drinks and we sat, joining a couple at a table. Everyone sits with anyone. It's good that way.
       So I bite into my sandwich and the guy loaded the corned beef up. It was good, but it wasn't great. Something was missing. The boys didn't like kugel or knishes so I let the older by go buy chicken soup. I gave him five dollars. He came back with a quart container and told me, "they gave me a break". I said what, a break on what, I gave you five, where the change? Now I wasn't upset or excited, just trying to understand this break he was given. Then he told me. It was seven dollars and you gave me five. Okay, no problem, I got it now. Poor kid, he just didn't understand, not his fault.
But now this is his supper tomorrow :) because that he likes.
        The knishes? They stopped selling the great square knishes. Those old fashioned knishes are square and come from Brooklyn. They could have gotten a deal. Instead round knishes were sold. They were good too, just not great. This is all one persons opinion. But one last thing. Vendors. Vendors seemed to have taken over a larger, much larger space where people were directed to enter to walk to, that extra walk, that walk where they were supposed to spend more money on items, not food, not share time and cultural chats with others but spend money on things.
      Why couldn't they leave greatness alone ? It was good, it was great and they had entertainment, kids who sang and danced. Today they had speakers. No not humans, but big box speakers piping music not clearly to help the atmosphere? I don't know, but why, why couldn't they leave well enough alone ? Next year, I'll stick to the Greek Food festival. They don't cram you in to squeeze you out !  Oh, I did have a nice surprise when I came home many hours later after visiting someone. On my door were pretty bunch of white flowers, and a plastic bag. Opening the bag, was a box with a knish inside and matzoh ball soup. My daughter wasn't sure I was going, so she dropped some off, two hours from where she lives. Me ? I bought extra and gave to someone too. What goes around...
    I love you

What a Difference a Day Makes

    Twenty Four little hours...that's how the song goes. Every day we survive seems like the day before, until the seasons change, or someone gets married or a baby is born, and even when a child is baptized. I'll go one further, maybe two, graduation and bar mitzvah. Life seems good. We struggle, complain, work hard or not at all, deal with sickness and death, friendships and losing friends, moving and disasters. But all of that usually happens to others.
   Then one day it happens to you or a family member. NO matter how far apart you've been all those years, something that binds you together makes you feel that almost same feeling of a very deep loss. Moments when you know you're happy about something are suddenly clouded with the thought of that loss. It isn't Just a loss. It's a very personal loss of love no longer here.
   Sure you can laugh at the funny times you had, those great memories, the pictures in your mind of faces, hairstyles, a first gown, silly things said, hugs, and being called, Aunt by one special kid. It isn't important if you're the aunt , uncle or cousin, gramma or grampa, but what is important is the connection that you had with that kid, that no one else had and no one ever will.
   I love you and miss you every day.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Steve Adams a Class Act !

       As I sat with my little guy at a local restaurant today, Logan's in York Pa. for those of you who don't know Logan's, go. It was more than worth it today and to think I almost changed my mind. But I wanted one of their steaks so much and my little guys loves them too.
       He's a kid who I try very hard to educate about everything in life, from education, to manners, from respect to good habits and so on. Well today, finished with my lunch, my eye caught a flicker of a navy blue sleeve with hash tags and more showing a mans' rank. My attention remained as I watched two other people standing with this man, smiling and shaking his hand. As I was concentrated on that scene of respect, it gave me an opportunity to point out this upstanding AMERICAN in his NAVY Uniform.
        A chest with medals of so many kinds I made sure this little boy knew who is taking care of us in America. Speaking to the little boy, I pointed, excuse my manners. I wanted to make sure he didn't miss that man, that man's name is Steve ADAMS. There was many things to talk about. My little guy is very short for his age. This man was of a similar stature, but the words to the child were, he is well over six feet tall inside and it is the inside that counts no matter what baloney other people tell you and STEVE ADAMS is a perfect and shining example.
         My child was told you have to be taller to get in the service, so again it was a same example, and not just the size thing, but look at how classy he is ! I went on explaining how this man, this Steve Adams was taking time from lunch and probably family and friends to stop and talk, to shake hands and then my child asked if he could shake the mans hand. Sorry Steve, I didn't make sure they weren't sticky. But as I said yes, he dashed over to Steve Adams, interrupted and Mr. Adams bent over, shook his hand, glanced over at me, waved and my child started back to me-then stopped and went back, again interrupting. He forgot to ask his name. It was, yes, Steve Adams.
       It wasn't over yet. Steve Adams then came over to our table, extending his hand to me and again to the child asking his name. Up close he was even taller than his outward stature. What a gentleman. What a class act! As he started to return to his dining area, a table next to me stopped him and he quickly and with respect shook hands with the ladies, and spoke of serving our country about twenty-three years and still loving it. He had a right tooth that was gold and noticeable, just like his heart, worn brightly on his sleeve.
     Mr. Adams, sir, I thank you for an impression you left on a little boy who many would not have taken the time for, and I thank you for sharing time with the cook, a waitress, a mom, a gramma and anyone else, whose lives you touched today. I'm sure I can proudly say, it was our pleasure.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Churches, Contentment, and Wanting More

       On the way home today I heard a guy named Jeff Manion? It was a Christian station which I put on at times too hear more about another side of things going on. So today's topic was of course about being satisfied.  A question was asked of him concerned how would he answer when people ask, how can you talk about being satisfied, you have money, a big house, cars and don't have to need or want for anything. His answer to me seemed to be out of both sides of his mouth, yet I appreciate and understand what he meant-in a way.
        Manion said, I wasn't always in the state I'm in and yes, I have big church who is very giving to those who work for the church. But when I was much younger and struggling my wife and i tried so hard to find a way to still give, even knowing we couldn't afford it. Having three kids at the time his wife ended up being a stay at home mom and finally when she went back to work they were able to enjoy more in life. Okay, so is that telling me they wanted more, and weren't satisfied in what they had? But here he is telling others to be satisfied. He also wants you to buy his book.
        Allowing your self to be called a Christian opens the door for all kinds of critics, myself included. So that means when a person is a Christian and say they'll call you but instead ignore you, it's okay because as the sign says, "I'm not perfect, just forgiven". Cop out? Excuse ? Should I remain satisfied because some who said they'll call didn't, and not be upset, not say, I knew it and on and on, only making the issues bigger and bigger inside my head.
      How many times have you called, e mailed, passed along a message, only to not receive any kind of reply-but according to good old Jeff, you should be satisfied to be treated as a non person. I give up. Someone  said to me a while ago, I knew you were expecting...and I said no, I wasn't expecting anything. I'm sure you know the rest, don't expect, you won't be disappointed, but I made it sound easier, saying I know how busy people are so I never expect. But I really never expect because I don't like the outcome, especially of those who are in such positions that you almost put faith in them to answer, reply, respond or even tell you, don't bother me, go to hell, but just ignore?
      Hey it's all good. I'm satisfied because I think I know people pretty well, the more important you become, the less others are.
     JEff Manion as you climbed your ladder of success, I only wonder why you wanted more, and more. Why weren't you satisfied?

Want To Be SIck ? Empty Hospitals now.

      Imagine having to go to a hospital emergency and it's almost empty every day of the week, every weekend night with the exception of a bunch of bums who get into fights, someone misusing a chainsaw, or a kid who broke an arm?

      I have seen this movie a few times and it isn't easy at first, well it was the first time I saw it. I went home and dumped all the crap in my fridge and cabinets that were making me feel like sludge !
Then a big stressor came into my life and I turned back to all the crappy food I was used to eating all my life.
      Let's put things in perspective for arguments sake:
              People say, people always got cancer
              People say, People always had heart attacks
              People say, Diabetes was always around
              People say, we need medicine
Why do people say all of this and more ? Because they are afraid of change. They are lazy, they think good food is expensive. They say, generations lived for many years eating mashed potatoes, meat and corn. Partly true, but have you been around during those generations ? If you were you will remember ho quickly people died from cancer and heart attacks, and you will also remember the United States never had a diabetes outbreak that we have now and with kids who are dying younger than their parents.
               With a change in what you eat as in non toxic fruits and vegetables that haven't been sprayed with poisonous chemicals and with a change in letting go of dairy and meats, you can and will live longer  but most importantly, healthier and happier. Remember that word Gusto ? Gusto comes back like gangbusters.
    Get rid of doctor bills, pharmacy bills and medicines and get rid of hospitals. They have have a purpose, but not as they have come to be. Look at a waiting room in a doctors office or hospital. It's almost popular to be sick. People sit around and talk about what's wrong with them. They compare who is worse ! What if you talked about what's right with you ? Just go to the library, get the video, Forks over Knives.
    Here is how I started: I already had instant oatmeal, and not the little sugar filled packets. Already had raisins and walnuts, eggs (hard for me to give up) frozen vegetables, frozen berries and protein powder. I started with that. I also had sweet potatoes. These few things became my basic foods to eat every day. I also tarted adding salads with beans of all kinds, even canned. I had to change the taste in my mouth that I was already used to tasting, like a big fat juicy burger or steak. I loooooove mashed potatoes. So I bought some frozen dinners to spoil myself once in a while that had a few teaspoons of mashed, fake potatoes.
    It all worked as I lost, 6, 6 7, and 6 pounds each week and I felt so happy. I wasn't thinking about weight loss just feeling mentally and physically good. I called my doctor thinking I had something wrong with me as my jeans were getting so loose. He laughed, reminding me of my new change in eating habits. Whew! Try it and you'll start to throw away blood pressure meds, hypertension, diabetes and on and on. Imagine not seeing your doctor for a year? No more hospitals, no more medicines. Put the money back in your pocket and the health and happiness back in your life ! Watch Forks Over KNIVES

Thursday, April 3, 2014

School Afraid of FOUR Letters

       I have a young child who lives with me and is learning all about Christianity, being and doing good, and simply trying very hard to be a good citizen.  A few days ago we went to a Christian books store to look around and I found loads o five dollar movies. He has asked me to buy him a bracelet that shows the letters WWJD=What Would Jesus Do. I tried to instill that thought in him as a way of making better choices when tempted to make other choices.
       I let him know how schools are worried about atheists and what you are allowed to do and not do. Innocently he said, "why can't I talk about Jesus if that thing you said about speech is free to talk about?" He has a cute way of phrasing things. I tried hard to explain the separation of state and church. Well he wore it to school and was told it was okay to wear it. I was prepared to fight. But he was also told, just don't talk about it!

     This is a behavioral school and not all kids belong in those schools. Some belong in vocational schools, some in partial programs, some if a person can afford to, a Montessori school, but they all are lumped into one lot of trouble makers. There are other behavioral partial programs for kids who need to be outside, but no. It's always the home school knows best because as I was told, we know about these things. We have experience. But they forget one huge piece. These kids are not carbon copies, but individuals.
      Now I wonder, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO???  You ask about what ? About everything.