Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Vocal Fry Voice=uhhh

      Why do women do that? It's such a pretentious thing to do. Young boys do it too and try to explain it as, my voice is changing. No it isn't you morons. You're just lazy, yet you use a norman voice when you want something or talk to an older male.
      But you young women who think you sound smarter or more important, you just sound simple. Vocal fry is when a person drops there voice to an almost gravely sounds and yet at times in teh same conversation forget what they're doing and use they're normal voice. I know a female psychologist who does that. If she only knew how dumb she sounds. With me asking questions and explaining her position, how she works etc. she used her vocal fry voice, but when she started speaking to a young kid she used her normal voice, so was she trying to impress me with that fact that she has a degree, is in an office or what?
      Brittany Spears does it too many actresses do it so is that psychologist acting? Or does Spears and the rest think they are on another level of society as in better than others. Those are teh people who do it. They do it to impress, to think they sound smarter -but don't- and they do it because they are pretending to be who they definitely are not. I really want to call the psychologist on this :) BUt she's so nice to the kids.

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