Thursday, April 3, 2014

School Afraid of FOUR Letters

       I have a young child who lives with me and is learning all about Christianity, being and doing good, and simply trying very hard to be a good citizen.  A few days ago we went to a Christian books store to look around and I found loads o five dollar movies. He has asked me to buy him a bracelet that shows the letters WWJD=What Would Jesus Do. I tried to instill that thought in him as a way of making better choices when tempted to make other choices.
       I let him know how schools are worried about atheists and what you are allowed to do and not do. Innocently he said, "why can't I talk about Jesus if that thing you said about speech is free to talk about?" He has a cute way of phrasing things. I tried hard to explain the separation of state and church. Well he wore it to school and was told it was okay to wear it. I was prepared to fight. But he was also told, just don't talk about it!

     This is a behavioral school and not all kids belong in those schools. Some belong in vocational schools, some in partial programs, some if a person can afford to, a Montessori school, but they all are lumped into one lot of trouble makers. There are other behavioral partial programs for kids who need to be outside, but no. It's always the home school knows best because as I was told, we know about these things. We have experience. But they forget one huge piece. These kids are not carbon copies, but individuals.
      Now I wonder, WHAT WOULD JESUS DO???  You ask about what ? About everything.

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