Friday, April 4, 2014

Churches, Contentment, and Wanting More

       On the way home today I heard a guy named Jeff Manion? It was a Christian station which I put on at times too hear more about another side of things going on. So today's topic was of course about being satisfied.  A question was asked of him concerned how would he answer when people ask, how can you talk about being satisfied, you have money, a big house, cars and don't have to need or want for anything. His answer to me seemed to be out of both sides of his mouth, yet I appreciate and understand what he meant-in a way.
        Manion said, I wasn't always in the state I'm in and yes, I have big church who is very giving to those who work for the church. But when I was much younger and struggling my wife and i tried so hard to find a way to still give, even knowing we couldn't afford it. Having three kids at the time his wife ended up being a stay at home mom and finally when she went back to work they were able to enjoy more in life. Okay, so is that telling me they wanted more, and weren't satisfied in what they had? But here he is telling others to be satisfied. He also wants you to buy his book.
        Allowing your self to be called a Christian opens the door for all kinds of critics, myself included. So that means when a person is a Christian and say they'll call you but instead ignore you, it's okay because as the sign says, "I'm not perfect, just forgiven". Cop out? Excuse ? Should I remain satisfied because some who said they'll call didn't, and not be upset, not say, I knew it and on and on, only making the issues bigger and bigger inside my head.
      How many times have you called, e mailed, passed along a message, only to not receive any kind of reply-but according to good old Jeff, you should be satisfied to be treated as a non person. I give up. Someone  said to me a while ago, I knew you were expecting...and I said no, I wasn't expecting anything. I'm sure you know the rest, don't expect, you won't be disappointed, but I made it sound easier, saying I know how busy people are so I never expect. But I really never expect because I don't like the outcome, especially of those who are in such positions that you almost put faith in them to answer, reply, respond or even tell you, don't bother me, go to hell, but just ignore?
      Hey it's all good. I'm satisfied because I think I know people pretty well, the more important you become, the less others are.
     JEff Manion as you climbed your ladder of success, I only wonder why you wanted more, and more. Why weren't you satisfied?

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