Friday, April 4, 2014

Want To Be SIck ? Empty Hospitals now.

      Imagine having to go to a hospital emergency and it's almost empty every day of the week, every weekend night with the exception of a bunch of bums who get into fights, someone misusing a chainsaw, or a kid who broke an arm?

      I have seen this movie a few times and it isn't easy at first, well it was the first time I saw it. I went home and dumped all the crap in my fridge and cabinets that were making me feel like sludge !
Then a big stressor came into my life and I turned back to all the crappy food I was used to eating all my life.
      Let's put things in perspective for arguments sake:
              People say, people always got cancer
              People say, People always had heart attacks
              People say, Diabetes was always around
              People say, we need medicine
Why do people say all of this and more ? Because they are afraid of change. They are lazy, they think good food is expensive. They say, generations lived for many years eating mashed potatoes, meat and corn. Partly true, but have you been around during those generations ? If you were you will remember ho quickly people died from cancer and heart attacks, and you will also remember the United States never had a diabetes outbreak that we have now and with kids who are dying younger than their parents.
               With a change in what you eat as in non toxic fruits and vegetables that haven't been sprayed with poisonous chemicals and with a change in letting go of dairy and meats, you can and will live longer  but most importantly, healthier and happier. Remember that word Gusto ? Gusto comes back like gangbusters.
    Get rid of doctor bills, pharmacy bills and medicines and get rid of hospitals. They have have a purpose, but not as they have come to be. Look at a waiting room in a doctors office or hospital. It's almost popular to be sick. People sit around and talk about what's wrong with them. They compare who is worse ! What if you talked about what's right with you ? Just go to the library, get the video, Forks over Knives.
    Here is how I started: I already had instant oatmeal, and not the little sugar filled packets. Already had raisins and walnuts, eggs (hard for me to give up) frozen vegetables, frozen berries and protein powder. I started with that. I also had sweet potatoes. These few things became my basic foods to eat every day. I also tarted adding salads with beans of all kinds, even canned. I had to change the taste in my mouth that I was already used to tasting, like a big fat juicy burger or steak. I loooooove mashed potatoes. So I bought some frozen dinners to spoil myself once in a while that had a few teaspoons of mashed, fake potatoes.
    It all worked as I lost, 6, 6 7, and 6 pounds each week and I felt so happy. I wasn't thinking about weight loss just feeling mentally and physically good. I called my doctor thinking I had something wrong with me as my jeans were getting so loose. He laughed, reminding me of my new change in eating habits. Whew! Try it and you'll start to throw away blood pressure meds, hypertension, diabetes and on and on. Imagine not seeing your doctor for a year? No more hospitals, no more medicines. Put the money back in your pocket and the health and happiness back in your life ! Watch Forks Over KNIVES

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