Thursday, April 24, 2014

10,000, reface cab., Home Depot

       I couldn't believe it! Ten thousand dollars for cabinet refacing from Home Depot  A representative stopped one day as I went in, said this will just take a minute. I was interested until it took over ten minutes. I received a call setting up an appointment, then I had to cancel within a half an hour. That man who received my call said in an almost anguished filled voice Oh My God!
   It's a half an hour before, he's left already, why are you just...and I interrupted with why the drama in OMG? I have an emergency. He then changed his tune and we rescheduled.
   Today, Two people showed up. I knew then if one person couldn't handle showing me doors and figures this had to be out of the world expensive.  But, 10,000 ??? I have such a very small kitchen as the woman pointed out, also pointing out to me, that's not white, as if I wasn't looking at a dark sample door and didn't know the difference. NOW knobs. She said they are included. The man knew what he was doing, understood perfectly what I was saying, but she seemed to have a need to correct him and then added, things get caught on knobs. I wanted all pulls, no knobs. So now is this true or is she supposed to be agreeing with me to get a sale and downing her own company saying, things get caught on knobs. Well the kind of Pull I selected, things can get caught on those too.
       Ah, time for pricing, Boy was I off. When she showed me over 10,000, yes ten thousand dollars, then proceeded to tell me how much more for a new kitchen with plumbing and electric will cost because of course she had it done-but does that mean mine will cost the same? Oh yes, she added someone has to come in and approve all of that, and then taxes go up. SCARE TACTIC ? Doesn't work with me.... and hasn't she heard of second hand that are almost as good as new and people who do that work and doesn't include my taxes going up. Recycling kitchen cabinets cost a third of her price, or I should say Home De Pot. Remember, I have a very small kitchen ! 10,000 !!!
    If You live anywhere in York Pa. Check out Resource York-most towns and cities have recycled everything. Craisgslist , the same.

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