Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Do Not Buy GoodYear Products=Ledbetter Law

        Men, if you love your the women in your lives do not buy from Goodyear. Women Goodyear does not respect females. Females make .77 to the 1.00 compared to men. Women were told who worked at Goodyear not to discuss pay or they would be fired.
       Lilly Ledbetter found out she was earning, after nineteen years at Goodyear only forty percent of what the men made who did the same job. That night, in the middle of the night she realized how that affected her retired, pension and all that she worked for, for many years. She sued, but not in time and won nothing from our supreme court which is mainly men.
        What Lilly Ledbetter did win on behalf of all generations of women to come was an equal pay law in her name, thanks in a big part to Ruth Ginsburg, a lady on the Supreme Court. I Bet all of those men had their tiny penis's in a knot, well almost, not big enough to tie.
   Do not buy from Goodyear. They fought to pay this lady her rightfully owed back pay. Let's send them a message that since they decided not to pay this lady what she fairly earned as well as any man, to hit them back. Do Not buy from Goodyear. Lets show them how people stick together against a huge money making corporation who screws women, like their own wives, daughters, grandchildren.

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