The name of the business is Papertown Auto & Cycle Center, located in Spring Grove Pa. Sorry if you don't live here if for that reason alone.
This business is in an old Ford Dealership on a corner, easy to find. It was recommended to me by Myers Garage on rt.116 who, like-minded men are honest and so busy they couldn't take me. Don't mean to sound as if Papertown Cycle was second but I never even knew a new business moved in and I'm lucky now that I do know.
When I first went in all was quiet . I spoke to a lady at the front desk and again, sorry I forgot her name, but she said I'll get Smitty. Well Smitty turns out to be the mechanic who worked on my car. Just wait, it gets good, so good you'll have to see for yourself. I asked for tire prices. A local tire business wanted 133.00 each. Smitty gave me a quote for tires such as those which came with my car, a 2004 sable. The price was 106. per tire, BUT then he gave me a quote on a less expensive tire, 81.00!!! Can you imagine, A choice! at a small locally owned American business. Okay sure those big guys always give choices, but the prices go up, not down, so if you're in such a bind at least PAPERTOWN Auto & Cycle offer some relief. But what does that tell you? It tells me they're not greedy people.
While there I asked to have another job done, and was given an estimate. Prior to this I had my car at a local large dealership who"fixed" the issues three times, leaving me after the third "repair" frustrated and feeling like I had the phrase "screw me" tattooed on my forehead and didn't really know who to turn to. I did mention it to a good and honest person who suggested Myers and as I already stated, it went from there to PAPERTOWN AUTO & CYCLE in SPRING GROVE. Well I did get an estimate and then went in today to have the job done.
The total cost was 138. and change! Compare that to prior "repairs" for the same thing, at first 245. then 312. then 126. When I got the bill, I almost cried. Honesty, fairness and integrity are alive and well at PAPERTOWN AUTO & CYCLE IN SPRING GROVE.
This place also sells motorcycles. While I don't ride and wish I did, I still enjoyed the atmosphere. I saw one Bike, a Red Riddley, made in AMERICA. Then there was a scooter type bike, small, baby blue in color with cream trim and the Harleys all as always, needs little to say, except made in America. Down to earth people, everyday people like you and I run this business so support them while they keep you on the road for less, as they advertise. I for one can say it's true. Thank you Papertown Auto & Cycle PHone number is 717 225-4765 and website is
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
My Grandma, Fannie Lou-Black-out & PIe
Now, my grandmother lived in Brooklyn, born in Hattiesburg Mississippi where she retired to, for her final days with my uncle Jack, my father's half brother. Gramma had a deep southern accent and was part Cherokee. Her deep blue eyes filled with light around those long black eyelashes. When she laughed her full round figure bounced up and down and tears filled her eyelids. I remember the small sized gold watch she wore as if she had a tiny wrist and across so small about her neck looking as if it was meant for a child. Gram had short black curly hair, full with just a fleck of gray and her hair danced just like her laughter. She and I loved it when people said we looked alike. We'd laugh and say that was the banana cream pie.
Every Sunday when I was little Gram would make me a fresh banana cream pie and coffee. I had to babysit my little brother, Jimmy, a spoiled brat that he was, there wasn't any getting away without him. No reason for me to sit with him all the time except I was elected. My mother was there as was another sister and more brothers, all capable, but I was the one who had the good fortune of having a burr in my side. I loved him, but what a pain. You know how it is. I'm just about grown-up and am stuck with a kid brother who tells on everything. Snot.
Many years ago in the city known as Manhattan( The City) we had a black-out. Now here's where a cultural comment came in from Gramma. Mostly she tried to keep those kind of remarks away from us kids. At that time I was working for a big bank across from what was about to be the twin towers. I had all kinds of friends from all cultures who worked with me. Two were Jewish, both named Ann. One was born in Czechoslovakia and one in Brooklyn. They were so different. Little Ann from another country appeared to appreciate things much more, wasn't easily judgemental, or maybe I should say wasn't swayed towards how people are. Yet her experiences to me, outweighed most of what I knew growing up. She lived a life in her country unlike anyone I ever knew. She was sweet, funny and helpful. The other Ann as she was known simply was quick to expect more, want and need more. So here we were wondering how we'd get home to Brooklyn. I know, I'll call my gram. Little Ann said oh, how can you call an old lady to come all the way here to get us. She was thinking the word gram meant old while the other Ann said hey if she can drive let her come. Both girls had accents and very different.
It was decided. I called Gram and she said well honey-child I'll try my best but I don't know the city too well. See, gram worked as a nurse in a Brooklyn hospital and rarely left Brooklyn. But it was about an hour before she arrived in her big BUICK. Oh I loved that car. It looked like a space ship. Well The "other Ann" gets in front right away and Gram saw that, said oh no, you git in the back with your friend. This front seat is for my favorite Grand daughter. Little Ann said oh isn't that so nice of you Mrs. Oh what should we call you. She answered Fannie. That was Gram for ya, always wanting to make people company. We had such fun and as we got comfortable the Other Ann asked Gram, "is this your car, not husbands"?
Gram answered, "Do you work and get paid"? If you do then you have your own money to buy your own car. The other Ann said wow you are a cool old lady gramma. Oh my G-D Little Ann grabbed her own face and said Oh Ann, how can you be so disrespectful!? Gram was smiling, said that's okay I am cool.
Now we were getting closer to Brooklyn and Gram was asking where the girls lived. Both explained. The streets were crowded with confusion and Little Ann said Mrs. you can just drop me off on any corner, I appreciate you come for me. Now the other Ann said Gramma can you take me down the street, a little more, I'm on the right side, you're almost there. Little Ann is looking at me in disbelief. Finally we reach Ann's front door and she gets out, gives thanks and see you Monday to us. The door closes and gramma lets out a remark having to do with being Jewish and Nerve. Little Ann busts out laughing while I'm saying Gram, that's her personality not her heritage..and gram starts again. Again I say Gram Little Ann is Jewish too. But Gram is heated up and goes isn't good enough I come and pick her up, but door to door! Little Ann is still laughing and tells Gram, that's alright Mrs. She's that way at work too. Then Gram realized people were not all alike because of culture. That was the day Gram changed her thinking. We dropped little Ann off a few minutes later and Gram asked me to stay at her house, said she'll make a banana cream pie for me. It was almost eight o'clock. Imagine a gramma who would do that.
Gram was a hit at my sister's wedding. At that time she owned a Ford that had a convertible top that folded into the trunk. So the wedding day arrives and everything was running late which made me happy. After all I was first promised to be maid of honor, then good ol sis gave it to her best friend, so of course, I was expected to understand. Screw that. Gram and I whined about it together, and talked about having a great time anyway. After the wedding we get to the reception, also late and champagne glasses were filled and waiting-and flat!
No one wanted to drink up. Gram sat across from me at the table. There I was in an old lady-ugly blue lace dress, but Gram looked very pretty with a squared neck line dress in flower color prints, and she wore a hat which as she drank kept sliding more and more to the back of her head. Gram and I kept drinking all the glasses that were passed down to us. We giggled about everything. Her husky voiced southern accent as she said to my father, hey fatso, pass me another glass. I loved it. No one could get away with that. She knew how he talked to us.
As gram drank and her hat slid, so did she, right off the chair. Suddenly she was on the floor. My father said to me, get her in the bathroom and then home. Happily I did, but Gram was stubborn. I got her in the car and she jumped out, grabbed the keys and off we went, hood down and her driving ninety miles an hour is a city street zone. I went my pants, laughed and cried. If I was going to die that day, I was happy it was with Gram. But somehow she got us to her house by Sunset Park, only one tire on the sidewalk. As soon as we got in, gram changed clothes, made coffee and started to make another Banana cream Pie. Boy she could make me smile, even now. I told Gram to hold off until tomorrow on the pie and that I'll nap if she did.
Gram lay down in her bed, and in seconds was asleep. I covered her up, kissed her good night, stopped at the Fridge with a spoon. Dipping it in, I knew it would be the best ever banana cream pie.
Ann Sunset Park,
Banana Cream Pie,
New York,
Keffer Funeral Home,Ya gotta...York PA.
Hello People
After my last blog I was so curious to check out prices and am waiting for an answer on hospital to crematorium-zip zip, in and out, done! But in the mean time I looked at one, just one for now and get a load of this, Keffer Funeral home In York Pa. has a price list!!! Isn't that better than going here and there in a time of grief to be swindled by your emotions...oh sorry I meant swayed:) Yo Keffer, you're my kind of people, but I do comparison shop and I have plenty of time-lol
Yet we never know do we.
After my last blog I was so curious to check out prices and am waiting for an answer on hospital to crematorium-zip zip, in and out, done! But in the mean time I looked at one, just one for now and get a load of this, Keffer Funeral home In York Pa. has a price list!!! Isn't that better than going here and there in a time of grief to be swindled by your emotions...oh sorry I meant swayed:) Yo Keffer, you're my kind of people, but I do comparison shop and I have plenty of time-lol
Yet we never know do we.
A Paycheck Away From Security? Cremation...
First I was brought up in a time when many, not all parents decided what you'd be and what you're worth, so if you weren't worth all that much or not so smart you weren't taught some of the most important things in life, giving, saving and taking very good care of your health. Honestly, I'm no one to talk about saving, but am learning later in life. Never too late. So about insurance and burial costs. Think Cremation. Last year a friend was cremated. The cost? Eight thousand dollars! Can you imagine? I was at a genealogy center one day and this guy started talking about his last days and how he wanted that handled. He called the hospital and a crematory and had a price of just over a hundred dollars. I don't remember the details, but it is definitely worth looking into.
WHY do we put our families through the expense, and a long drawn out funeral? WHY? We're gone so we don't care or just think oh they'll take care of it. NO! Don't do that to them. Make it fast and let them get on with life. Let them remember the good stuff and count on each other and friends to get through the grief. Even with cremation the costs come from all the fancy stuff. Listen up-if you weren't fancy in life, why now? You won't know.
Now about that job, keeping it or losing it. We're supposed to save three months of expenses at the least, six months are better. But what if you think you can't save anything. Please go see a financial person in your local church that you trust. Look around for different opportunities but don't quit until you have another job. Volunteer at a local hospital and while there check out the job lists.
There are stay at home opportunities too, and better in a two parent home but one parent can do this too. Foster care. I was told years ago that many consider it as a part-time job, but you are helping out kids in need too. Check it out and check it out thoroughly. It is worth it. too many kids need a mom or dad. It can be short term or long term, so please check it out. There are other social service needs. Residential homes hire all the time , and for all shifts. Go for it.
angry children,
foster care,
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
For I know The Plans I have For You...
Jeremiah 29:11,
life imitates signs,
wooden signs
Monday, January 23, 2012
Is this Grampa & Grandma's house?
Only 15.00 plus shipping at 5.00-if more than 5. I pay-if less, I enclose a refund postal money order.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Kelly "clean-Up" lady:)
Some time ago, about five or six weeks now, I said good-bye to a very nice person, and could consider her a friend of sorts except she was a boss and that means boundaries. Yet with all that she seemed like someone I've known for a lifetime. Kelly wasn't at this place of work as long as it would have been nice to have her for, but she make a whopping difference. I think because of how she cleaned-up, cleaned house, exterminated that others are now following in her footsteps. Isn't that kool to have others follow what you started and she not only made a difference, but an improved difference.
This lady didn't worry about the little things or at least I didn't know about it and no reason I should or would, but when she did make changes, it made those left behind to think they were doing a right kind of a job. Kelly, while soft spoke, spoke with firmness, kindness and an attitude of saying what she meant. We knew she meant business and she was I believe the first person to have the courage to do what was needed for many years. Thank You Kelly. I'm proud to have known you. Be happy, stay healthy and enjoy that car.
This lady didn't worry about the little things or at least I didn't know about it and no reason I should or would, but when she did make changes, it made those left behind to think they were doing a right kind of a job. Kelly, while soft spoke, spoke with firmness, kindness and an attitude of saying what she meant. We knew she meant business and she was I believe the first person to have the courage to do what was needed for many years. Thank You Kelly. I'm proud to have known you. Be happy, stay healthy and enjoy that car.
work ethics
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Wooden Signs On Posts
Just so you are informed, I do make and sell these signs. Write me at for any info, Thanks.
wooden signs
Judy at Rutters, Kenneth rd. York Pa.
Late this morning I went in and right to the back, ordered my usual and boy it was ready in such a short time. Before I finished getting coffee, Judy was handing over my sandwich with a smile. Thank you Judy, you make my visits nicer when I'm in a rush, and people we know when we're in a rush we tend to remember more those who aren't so nice, but when you meet Judy, rushing or not, it just makes the day nicer. Hey Rutters, how about an appreciation bonus for Judy? No, I'm not a personal friend, but I do notice service people and how they treat consumers and she is exceptional in her department!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Terrance Dollar General White St. York, Pa.
This morning I was at a local Dollar General. There was ayoung man behind the counter named Terrance. He was well groomed with long hair, appeared clean, but more than that and as important he worked quickly and with a good attitude. There was an elderly lady in front of me who had ahard time reaching into her shopping cart and so it took longer to put her things on the counter.
Terrance smiled and said don't worry about it, and he continued to banter while working with this lady. She even complimented him with, boy you sure work fast. He smiled again and thanked her.
So for those of you who might complain about"these young people today" as every generation does, we still forget about people like Terrance. Terrance thank you for making a shopping trip better.
Terrance smiled and said don't worry about it, and he continued to banter while working with this lady. She even complimented him with, boy you sure work fast. He smiled again and thanked her.
So for those of you who might complain about"these young people today" as every generation does, we still forget about people like Terrance. Terrance thank you for making a shopping trip better.
Dollar General,
York Pa.
Logan rt. 30 Sheetz York Pa. -again :)
Just a re post sorta. Stopped in at Sheetz and Logan was now on the register, swiftly checking customers out with such a nice manner about him. He's a tall lanky kind of a guy with a deep voice when he announces a "customer order" if he's working on MTO's. You can't miss if you've been called by Logan, like music, he's exact and entertaining. He also doesn't fool around, smiles and all business.
Sheetz you should give this kid a raise.
Sheetz you should give this kid a raise.
FYE York Galleria,
Pa. Logan,
Saturday, January 7, 2012
How Not To make A Shake
Forget the half painted brick wall in back (a.d.d. here) so I was all set to make a less caloric supper, even though I just bought a pint of Edy's Better Pecan ice cream for tonight and grabbed a Hardees Bacon Cheeseburger, small fries and soda for lunch. I haven't been eating that way lately so today is treat day, yet still thought to have a shake. Got out my protein power mix, a banana and my sixteen ounce Yankee cup, filled it with water, put the shake part on the base and dumped it....... all over the counter.
For you snots out there, no it doesn't have anything to do with my Yankee cup. I got that at a real ball game with my son, so stuff it.
I forgot to put the bottom back on the mixer part, you know the piece that cuts up the ice. Smart huh? Now water is flooding the counter, under the toaster, coffee pot and wires, so I wasn't about to plug anything in after that, although if someone doesn't call and remind me...well you'll know what happened if I don't answer.
One other thing. Those stupid racks on the over doors! While they're good for exercise, someone should make it with a Velcro attachment. My towels never stay on:) It is kind of funny.
For you snots out there, no it doesn't have anything to do with my Yankee cup. I got that at a real ball game with my son, so stuff it.
I forgot to put the bottom back on the mixer part, you know the piece that cuts up the ice. Smart huh? Now water is flooding the counter, under the toaster, coffee pot and wires, so I wasn't about to plug anything in after that, although if someone doesn't call and remind me...well you'll know what happened if I don't answer.
One other thing. Those stupid racks on the over doors! While they're good for exercise, someone should make it with a Velcro attachment. My towels never stay on:) It is kind of funny.
edys ice cream,
Yankee Candle
Mary, Queensgate Bon Ton, Bargains, York Pa.
Hello Area Shoppers,
I stopped in at The Bon Ton today to exchange something and as usual no problem whatsoever. I wasn't even asked for ID. I had my card and the woman behind the counter who wasn't wearing a name tag was just so sweet and simply credited back into my account. I really love shopping there and I am not a shopper. If I could I'd hire someone to shop for me. OH, I really backtracked here, almost published post-go and check out the sales they are having!
This particular store makes it a whole lot easier, even parking is a better experience, and no, I am not getting paid for this, although that would be nice. Hey Bon Ton! So back to the people behind the counters. She is a lady name Mary. I have seen her there for quite a while and that says something about how The Bon ton must treat their employees and how the employees get along. I know many people in the work force don't get along but no one stays as long as some of the people I've seen there without at least liking the atmosphere, customers and each other.
So back to Mary. One day when I was in just before Christmas, I passed Mary as she was heading to the back of the sore. A break, lunch or quitting time she could have easily ignore me, but she didn't. After all she does her job very well at the check-out so why extend herself further to anyone. Can you imagine smiling all day at people? Well she does and then some. Mary made eye contact on her way to the back, smiled and nodded her head with a small voiced hello. Not necessary at all. Just goes to character. You know what you do when no one is looking-or paying you? That is one classy woman and The Bon Ton is so fortunate to have her. Thank you Mary for all the times you treated me with respect. I do appreciate that.
I stopped in at The Bon Ton today to exchange something and as usual no problem whatsoever. I wasn't even asked for ID. I had my card and the woman behind the counter who wasn't wearing a name tag was just so sweet and simply credited back into my account. I really love shopping there and I am not a shopper. If I could I'd hire someone to shop for me. OH, I really backtracked here, almost published post-go and check out the sales they are having!
This particular store makes it a whole lot easier, even parking is a better experience, and no, I am not getting paid for this, although that would be nice. Hey Bon Ton! So back to the people behind the counters. She is a lady name Mary. I have seen her there for quite a while and that says something about how The Bon ton must treat their employees and how the employees get along. I know many people in the work force don't get along but no one stays as long as some of the people I've seen there without at least liking the atmosphere, customers and each other.
So back to Mary. One day when I was in just before Christmas, I passed Mary as she was heading to the back of the sore. A break, lunch or quitting time she could have easily ignore me, but she didn't. After all she does her job very well at the check-out so why extend herself further to anyone. Can you imagine smiling all day at people? Well she does and then some. Mary made eye contact on her way to the back, smiled and nodded her head with a small voiced hello. Not necessary at all. Just goes to character. You know what you do when no one is looking-or paying you? That is one classy woman and The Bon Ton is so fortunate to have her. Thank you Mary for all the times you treated me with respect. I do appreciate that.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Self-Talk, Hey Porky! Rock n' Roll
Okay hard to start here, listening to Chubby Checker sing teh Twist, so my chair is moving side-ways, fingers up and down and head boppin!!! Well one bop.Yea Rock n' Roll!
How many times do we think people are talking to them selves? Lots, and so do we. I found myself today at a grocery store which I really didn't want to be in, and after three minutes ready to go...ah a little twist here. Still trying to get through whatever kind of a cold I have, wobbly legs and perspiration, I pass the donuts. No breakfast yet, gonna just grab one, then someone says Hey! PORKY! Oh that's me telling me I don't need that and I don't.
Poetry in Motion now on. So like poetry I check out, vegetables, fruits, eggs and I'm happy, but still hungry. Oh I quit coffee since I got sick and now only buy a cup when I go out. It tastes better too. So coffee, an egg sandwich on a croissant and a roastbeef sandwich. No it isn't a lot. I saved the roast beed for Gunsmoke.
Hot tea is becoming a favorite during meals. Better for digetsion. Don't believe me? Just go to any Chinese restaurant.
Anyway next time you hear someone talking to themselves? Remember Porky.
Allie Oop...oop oop
How many times do we think people are talking to them selves? Lots, and so do we. I found myself today at a grocery store which I really didn't want to be in, and after three minutes ready to go...ah a little twist here. Still trying to get through whatever kind of a cold I have, wobbly legs and perspiration, I pass the donuts. No breakfast yet, gonna just grab one, then someone says Hey! PORKY! Oh that's me telling me I don't need that and I don't.
Poetry in Motion now on. So like poetry I check out, vegetables, fruits, eggs and I'm happy, but still hungry. Oh I quit coffee since I got sick and now only buy a cup when I go out. It tastes better too. So coffee, an egg sandwich on a croissant and a roastbeef sandwich. No it isn't a lot. I saved the roast beed for Gunsmoke.
Hot tea is becoming a favorite during meals. Better for digetsion. Don't believe me? Just go to any Chinese restaurant.
Anyway next time you hear someone talking to themselves? Remember Porky.
Allie Oop...oop oop
allie oop twist,
chubby checker,
Hot teat,
self talk
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Happy New Year! Resolutions?
2012 is here, and making resolutions is a good idea, even if you stick to them or not. At least you do think about trying. Mine are simple, to wake up every day and make every day a better day, to do whats right for my body, and hopefully help someone else in some kind of battle they may be going through. Heaven knows I haven't this far done what right for my body, although my doctor has said many times that I must be eating right. I love protein, too much coffee, not enough if any exercise.
Two days after Christmas I got sick, still feel the blahs, but during this time, I haven't had any coffee and am trying to keep it that way. I haven't eaten much at all with the exception of last night, cookies, a pint of ice cream (which made me hack like crazy) and of course ginger-ale, my favorite soda when I do have soda.
What I do know about resolutions is hopefully they make us better people and that's really all that counts. When we become better people we put aside the material things is life, the brand name clothing, fancy restaurants, and just living a high life. I'm not against having fun at all and we do want nice homes, apartments or houseboats and brand names if made in the US to support our people. Where ever you live and how you live is your business, the same as it is mine. But this year I have decided to declutter my life a lot, along with taking better care of me so I can offer me to help if anyone needs or wants it.
Life is too short for some; unexpected health problems happen like being hit in the face with a brick. Be a good friend to whom ever. Show you care by buying a dinner, lunch and walk away. It's not a time for being social. It's not a time for showing off, but for staying in the background. Give that friend a ride, wait outside, listen, bake something, clean and just do. Don't pat yourself on the back. Your friend has silently done that and do what you can for the right reasons, because you're needed and end it with that. Why? Because you're healthy enough to do all of those things in this New Year.
Two days after Christmas I got sick, still feel the blahs, but during this time, I haven't had any coffee and am trying to keep it that way. I haven't eaten much at all with the exception of last night, cookies, a pint of ice cream (which made me hack like crazy) and of course ginger-ale, my favorite soda when I do have soda.
What I do know about resolutions is hopefully they make us better people and that's really all that counts. When we become better people we put aside the material things is life, the brand name clothing, fancy restaurants, and just living a high life. I'm not against having fun at all and we do want nice homes, apartments or houseboats and brand names if made in the US to support our people. Where ever you live and how you live is your business, the same as it is mine. But this year I have decided to declutter my life a lot, along with taking better care of me so I can offer me to help if anyone needs or wants it.
Life is too short for some; unexpected health problems happen like being hit in the face with a brick. Be a good friend to whom ever. Show you care by buying a dinner, lunch and walk away. It's not a time for being social. It's not a time for showing off, but for staying in the background. Give that friend a ride, wait outside, listen, bake something, clean and just do. Don't pat yourself on the back. Your friend has silently done that and do what you can for the right reasons, because you're needed and end it with that. Why? Because you're healthy enough to do all of those things in this New Year.
New Year,
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