Sunday, June 29, 2014

Out The Nanny Now

       Those poor people with this nut in their home, a so called nanny who sues people, holds them hostages, so I think they have central air. It's worth to go to the ductwork to her room and seal it off, cut it off. seeing this old bag on Tv this morning she looks very clean so I imgaine she has bathroom access which of course she better have or she'll crap in the bed. But cut off water in teh top floor bathroom if possible.
     What about piping heavy metal music into her room? How and where does she get food? Cut the flow off. Does she pay rent? Cut off the electric to that room ! Renters pay electricity, water, phone, gas, trash and even sewer.
     These are smart people, but can even they stand to have heavy metal played in the home? I would try anything short of, or maybe not, the russian mafia paying her a visit. I am joking of course-I don't believe in violence. Call the fire department to do a home safety inspection includng her room in which she has to comply or else. Good luck people.
     By the way I did hear you want to go on vacation July 4th and are worried about her locking you out-THAT has been done before-Squatters have taken over homes of good people letting them in to help out, so unless you get the mob in or special family to live there while you're gone, stay put.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pete's Sweets & The Profit

       I love this show ! How Great is it to have a guy come to you, not you go to a bank, beg for a loan you know you can't get, and along comes The PROFIT, Marcus  Lemonis who has a heart for People, Product and Profit. I wish I knew him when I was trying to create Doozybags. One time a guy contacted me and asked me to make five hundred golf bags because he liked what  sent him as a gift, but no way could I produce what he wanted for the cost he wanted.
      Right now I am trying to work on my house but in the back of my mind I never gave up Doozybags, and I know I have to stay focused, so finish the house stuff first, then organize my sewing supplies better and I am going to give it all I've got during these retiring years. Something else I need to know better is how to fix some things on my PC.  With this site alone suddenly my spelling corrector won't work. I will reread and do my best, so hopefully you understand.
       Now SWEET PETE"S oops, PETE's SWEETS, see either way that name sounds great, but it is Pete's Sweets. I loved watching this back and forth between Pete's fake partner, a guy who only wanted more, because he knew Marcus Lemonis was now involved. What a mind Lemonis has. He found a claus that should a shareholder not be able to equally meet the money put into the company those shares become less and less until he no longer has any shares at all, and yet the guy thought it all unfair. This was a man? who shook hands, agreed to work, but nope, he wouldn't or couldn't stick to it and told the Profit he wanted one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, (150,000.00) to be bought out. Marcus asked, to buy out what? What did you put in, two thousand?
        I love to see greed snuffed out and the look on Pete's face, his wife and Lemonis for a new, bright and prosperous American dream future is definitely worth staying up for. Good luck Pete, although with the wife you have, the staff that stood with you and Marcus to save you and kick butt from that deatbeat, you will surely succeed.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Parents? How many Chances ?

    I'm sure many have read the recent article about a so called man who left his baby in the hot car while he worked a seven hour shift and the police found  a  search on his computer about how long does it take for an animal to die in a hot car. The police also say it isn't proven yet if he was the one to complete the search.
   Sometimes I do hate to be fair. I know if you are under so much stress you do almost forget and even forget a sleeping baby in the back seat, but you still have to take the punishment and sure many will say but he's already punished enough.
   Well I for one am sick of seeing so many neglectful and even abusive parents get chance after chance to bring a child home , only  to do it again. Is this all because of the cost? If a child goes back home, that means no more foster care costs. If a child is adopted the state still pays a stipend until the child is either eighteen or twenty-two and in college, and the same with kin-ship foster care and guardianship, so do they just want to save the state money at the cost of the life of a child? End of Story. Or is it ?

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Logan's 4 Steaks York Pa.

       Today I had lunch at Logan's, off white street in York. I prefer to go in the off hours, less crowded, more relaxed and not as noisy. To be honest even when I have gone during regular dinner hours, it's isn't as noisy as another steakhouse in town. So for comparison, that other Steak house, well, it appears from my PAST experiences, the servers never have enough quality time to attend to orders and diners.
      At Logan's, having been there many different times, observing all servers and managers, I see a place where I want to take my favorite people to, family and friends. It's peaceful, has a bar which I haven't ever seen anyone get out of order, or even drunk. This is truly a family restaurant, but also  a place where a bunch of guys or gals...did I say gals? Yes, where they would want to meet, hang out, have chicken, steak, a burger, beer and anything else that whets their appetite.
      There is also a meeting room in the back, for parties and any function you might want. I now feel like a personal representative for Logan's :) But I'm one of those people who have lived  on the East coast most of my life and lived also on the West Coast. Having visited the mid-west too, I am sooo serious when I say you won't be sorry when you dine at Logan's. It isn't just the service which is great, but the management and whatever happens in the kitchen is to, well order and savor slowly.
       I am thankful to the management, servers and cooks for making my experiences as good as they are. A last note, another observation. Children. I have had a few different kids in as visitors etc, and they too are treated as if they're picking up the tab. Servers make eye contact with them, make helpful suggestions and the kids love that attention just as much as the adults do. So when you have a server anywhere take care of them as they do you. Should you ever get a poor meal item , it isn't their fault, so again if you can afford to go out to eat...well remember the server.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Please take a look. Thank you and  buy a gift-smile too.

9/11 Security Fee, Airports

     Have you ever read your flight tickets really well? I just read mine and see a ten dollar fee for security dedicated to 9/11. So does that mean in all this time of those who have paid that fee and yes we still have had those people of garbage who have carried on underpants bombs, that we can sue the airlines since we are paying that fee? What exactly is the fee for? Being searched? Who knows but I do think we need a better explanation for it and I am not at all against such searches, a a matter of fact I welcome them-to a point. It is those who don't have a certain look, we need to be more careful with and ten again, other who have that look, the look of 9/11 terrorists, that allow the US to be accused of profiling, a word I am personally sick of.
    People this is all about safety! Get on Board! No pun intended. So what if you are profiled, so what if you're not. Let's just be safe out there.  Just for the heck of it let's look  people this way:
    Gramps...and old man, bending in an aged position, glasses, not as clean shaved as he used to be, but is now carrying pieces of explosives in all parts of his clothing while trying to distract and engage at the same time those who least expect him-same with ol' Gramma.
 The student-having a chat with another student about Grammar or photography...seems innocent enough-NOT AT ALL.
  A young and new parent-appears only to be concerned with baby, looks all American, and can we now ever go on" LOOKS"
  Darker skinned young man with a beard-most suspicious-guess what, he's a real student of Photography, travels the world to get the best photos, has all of the "LOOKS" and he is pulled off line.
         So what do we do? Treat everyone the same for safety's sake. Maybe we worry as much about a sober pilot. Do they have to blow before they go? They should.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Matt Landry, Detroit, Obama's Friends

       I just watched this story. It was from 2009 an old dateline story about a good kid, a good kid who went out to buy a sandwich to make his girlfriend feel better. He was jumped by cowards, punks, losers in society who blame others for their sad life stories and then steal, harm, kill and claim to be not guilty. In the case the killer was found along with a coward friend in the streets of burned down detroit, in a burned down house where Matt Landry was found, where his dead body was  dumped by those inhuman pieces of societies garbage.
       Matt Landty's mother begged the administration to clean up detroit and the mayor. The only one cleaning up that city is the Rehab Addict Nicloe Curtis. She should receive the pay of the president and his buddy, the mayor. I won't tarnish Matt Landry's name by having it on this same blog with two others of a lesser distinction, not even capitalize their titles.

      Those two cowards received life in prison, not good enough, but I hope they are met daily with baseball bats, top to Bottom.

Stephen G at AAA York Pa.

      What a surprise I received yesterday at AAA. I met a young man, Stephen G. to help me with airline travel. After going on line and someone else also going on line rates to my destination were all about the same , over six hundred. My daughter asked, I wonder what a travel agent could do, so I called AAA  right away and my usual agent was out, so I willingly accepted to see this guy, Stephen. I went right in as he gave me  a better offer by phone and I wanted to lock in that rate.
     In about forty five minutes as I sat across from him, ready to pay he   asked if I was willing to fly out of another airport. Sure. He found a lower rate, saving me two hundred bucks. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS off the original price! Plus no baggage charges with Southwest! That would have been about fifty bucks since I've already traveled  to the same place.
   Thank you Stephen. You were kind , gentlemanly and so helpful. AAA, you have a great guy.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Who Are Your Parents?

       Do you really know? Have you seen your birth certificate? Why aren't people answering your questions? Kids have a right in my opinion to know birth parents, the real birth parents and yes, I know, every situation is different. But here is a situation I am very aware of. A man dies, leaves behind grown kids who have families of their own, but also a son who very well could be his as that man now has two different birth dates, so who was lying to him. While I know that man was a louse, that doesn't make me unfair to his inheritance.
    There are other situations-KNOW WHO YOU MARRY ! Boy is that hard because you love one another and trust each other. But I know a few situations where men have married, had  kids, and moved on, some not even divorcing their spouses. Why? Because it costs money. So those kids from those marriages grow up and either never meet, may meet and have different versions of that rotten father or nice father or even by a slight chance marry each other not know they're related.
     How many half siblings know about each other and how many want to meet or not? Maybe one does, pops up unexpectedly feeling elated to finally meet, but then, disappointment. That other sibling never wanted to meet anyone who was related to the rat of a parent who had a child and left only to raise another family or families.
    People should join and start posting who you are, where you came from and connect if possible. If not ancestry, find another way to search for those hidden relatives and put dates together. Father in the army? When? Is it possible  he is or isn't the real father and same with god ol' mom. Maybe there was a kinship adoption and they never told you. Many families have family secrets. Take the lid off the pot and start stirring.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Mothers' Father's Day

       It doesn't matter who you are, how much or how little money you have, what kind of a home or apartment you live in, when you're children love you and you know it, that's all that counts. Today on Fathers day as in all years both my son and daughter have a race to see who calls first and of course whoever is first gets  a, well I was doing...., or, he could have or, she could have and they make so many funny comments. Usually it's, so did my sister call yet or did my brother call yet. Sometimes it's a , I know he couldn't have called because he shooting his photography races or something like that. Then I have to add, well ya see sweetie, he called before he took off for the races.
      It works both ways and they're equally as funny wishing me, the mom, a Happy Fathers Day. Neither one ever forgets and today these flowers were delivered with a card about me and Lowes. Yes I love Lowes, tools and more but also appreciate the pretty stuff too. But more than that I appreciated being appreciated on Fathers Day. Thank you M&J  I love you . Your momdad :)  
P.S. I love that ribbon on the Vase, will use it when making a Doozybag in two weeks

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lisa Ling, Beautiful You, blah blah

      Are you sick of twisted headlines? I am just saw Lisa Ling diagnoses at forty-okay so I bite and see it's just ADD. But the headlines make it seems like she has a disease. Holy freaking crap' who doesn't have ADD today with so many busy lives? Get a doctor, get  diagnosis, get a prescription an then get labeled.
     The other newest one I saw was, How to be really beautiful and the picture it showed was first and of course a woman, whose face looked burned. WHY IS IT ALWAYS WOMEN??? They exploit your vanity and want your money !!! Plain and Simple. I think I'll write an article every day about Plain and Simple. Depression? or Lazy? No motivation? You must be depressed. Get a doctor, get a prescription and get a diagnosis and labeled.
      Now for those of you who want to bash this, I do know these things are and can be serious. I am talking about people who look for reasons, excuses, attention and meds.
     Live instead and don't be afraid to live, volunteer, help, work, but just do , do something, most anything just do.

Friday, June 13, 2014

See Please

Hello all

    I will be back sewing in about two weeks. Please see my etsy shop and help me empty it out to add more new bags etc. I have superhero material and am anxious to show. But right now I am trying to get a little boy to learn to swim, camp a couple days twice a month.
   Please remember to keep kids learning over the summer months, makes returning to school easier.
Thank you

Not Free CreditKarma

    Just for the heck of it, I tried this baloney stuff and they make you go through all teh usual things as if you're applying for  a card and at the very end, BAM, They want your credit card. Why? You have to pay 1.00 refundable  fee. If it's so refundable without any strings attached, why do tehy want your info? My guess is they will end up sending all kinds of way to get a high interest card, harassing e mails etc.
    All of that nice"appearing" commercial to get a free credit score. Remember that old saying, it it seems to good to be true....

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Jealous Teacher ? Ego ?

       What would make a teacher tell a very young student that another person can't be smarter than her, just because she a teacher? Vanity ? Ego? Both I suspect. I have a little guy that I take care of and we have had so many conversations about anything and everything. One chat was about school and getting an education so he asked me about my children, especially my son. I explained how my son had something called principle and one time walked off the soccer field raising his voice to the coach that the couch continually picked his son to start, gave more credits when he knew good and well that many other kids were much better especially two other boys on the team. My son shed his gear/clothes on the field and walked off to a local store, called me, asking me to bring pants and shoes and  a shirt. I was very proud. He stood up for others against someone who has power. Of course he was off the team, but things did change a little after that.
    My son ,now a man always challenged truth in education and life. He has a genius I.Q. and was invited into Mensa. Sure he was arrogant as a teen with people especially in High School. He knew teachers were wrong in much of the information and so he would challenge that. Who wants to be shown up in front of a class of students when they are supposed to have all of the knowledge. But each and every time, he offered to show them he was right, to prove they were wrong. They were as arrogant as he was, telling him to sit down that he wasn't the teacher. My son's response was usually, anyone can can teach when they don't know what they're saying,
    He quit High School on the day he turned eighteen, as a matter of principle. He told me, mom, I will graduate, just not from Spring Grove. It was a matter of, principle, character and ethics. The assistant principle was let go because of his behaviors with female students. This was a man who came after my son saying he was playing hooky, walked through my home as I left the door unlocked looking for what, I don't know, maybe my underwear. I no longer trust to leave my door unlocked. My son was with me that day at a doctor's office. Still I was fined because this is a good old boys club type of town.
   Well skipping to the chase, he had an accident before graduation in  a school he chose, a mall school of all thing which was for kids with behavior issues. I offered to pay to send him out of district. He didn't want it-said it was all about principle. So he has an accident, brain surgery and with a few days wakes up, and is taken for testing. The doctor comes back and asks, do you know your son has a mind like Einstein? Yes I did, The doctor said, well he still has it.
     So my little guy takes some piece of this to school, tells his teacher I said, my son is smarter than she is. She told him _according to him- no he isn't, not possible. Insecure? Why can't he be smarter? Why can't anyone be smarter than teachers? I'm sure this will rub many the wrong way, but think about this. Have you been invited to Mensa at the age of twelve? By the way, he never wanted to join and he never wanted to be in gifted classes, but the last one I wasn't in control of that so he went, but didn't like it. Too many people with higher I.Q.'s are snobs, just like those who don't have that same level of intelligence. Basically we are all just people living in a world and should leave ego's and attitudes at the door. Finally, who really cares? It's what you do in life to make you happy as a person, not your so called class, not positions, but integrity and character. Isn't that the principle of it all?