Friday, June 20, 2014

9/11 Security Fee, Airports

     Have you ever read your flight tickets really well? I just read mine and see a ten dollar fee for security dedicated to 9/11. So does that mean in all this time of those who have paid that fee and yes we still have had those people of garbage who have carried on underpants bombs, that we can sue the airlines since we are paying that fee? What exactly is the fee for? Being searched? Who knows but I do think we need a better explanation for it and I am not at all against such searches, a a matter of fact I welcome them-to a point. It is those who don't have a certain look, we need to be more careful with and ten again, other who have that look, the look of 9/11 terrorists, that allow the US to be accused of profiling, a word I am personally sick of.
    People this is all about safety! Get on Board! No pun intended. So what if you are profiled, so what if you're not. Let's just be safe out there.  Just for the heck of it let's look  people this way:
    Gramps...and old man, bending in an aged position, glasses, not as clean shaved as he used to be, but is now carrying pieces of explosives in all parts of his clothing while trying to distract and engage at the same time those who least expect him-same with ol' Gramma.
 The student-having a chat with another student about Grammar or photography...seems innocent enough-NOT AT ALL.
  A young and new parent-appears only to be concerned with baby, looks all American, and can we now ever go on" LOOKS"
  Darker skinned young man with a beard-most suspicious-guess what, he's a real student of Photography, travels the world to get the best photos, has all of the "LOOKS" and he is pulled off line.
         So what do we do? Treat everyone the same for safety's sake. Maybe we worry as much about a sober pilot. Do they have to blow before they go? They should.

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