Friday, June 27, 2014

Parents? How many Chances ?

    I'm sure many have read the recent article about a so called man who left his baby in the hot car while he worked a seven hour shift and the police found  a  search on his computer about how long does it take for an animal to die in a hot car. The police also say it isn't proven yet if he was the one to complete the search.
   Sometimes I do hate to be fair. I know if you are under so much stress you do almost forget and even forget a sleeping baby in the back seat, but you still have to take the punishment and sure many will say but he's already punished enough.
   Well I for one am sick of seeing so many neglectful and even abusive parents get chance after chance to bring a child home , only  to do it again. Is this all because of the cost? If a child goes back home, that means no more foster care costs. If a child is adopted the state still pays a stipend until the child is either eighteen or twenty-two and in college, and the same with kin-ship foster care and guardianship, so do they just want to save the state money at the cost of the life of a child? End of Story. Or is it ?

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