Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Jealous Teacher ? Ego ?

       What would make a teacher tell a very young student that another person can't be smarter than her, just because she a teacher? Vanity ? Ego? Both I suspect. I have a little guy that I take care of and we have had so many conversations about anything and everything. One chat was about school and getting an education so he asked me about my children, especially my son. I explained how my son had something called principle and one time walked off the soccer field raising his voice to the coach that the couch continually picked his son to start, gave more credits when he knew good and well that many other kids were much better especially two other boys on the team. My son shed his gear/clothes on the field and walked off to a local store, called me, asking me to bring pants and shoes and  a shirt. I was very proud. He stood up for others against someone who has power. Of course he was off the team, but things did change a little after that.
    My son ,now a man always challenged truth in education and life. He has a genius I.Q. and was invited into Mensa. Sure he was arrogant as a teen with people especially in High School. He knew teachers were wrong in much of the information and so he would challenge that. Who wants to be shown up in front of a class of students when they are supposed to have all of the knowledge. But each and every time, he offered to show them he was right, to prove they were wrong. They were as arrogant as he was, telling him to sit down that he wasn't the teacher. My son's response was usually, anyone can can teach when they don't know what they're saying,
    He quit High School on the day he turned eighteen, as a matter of principle. He told me, mom, I will graduate, just not from Spring Grove. It was a matter of, principle, character and ethics. The assistant principle was let go because of his behaviors with female students. This was a man who came after my son saying he was playing hooky, walked through my home as I left the door unlocked looking for what, I don't know, maybe my underwear. I no longer trust to leave my door unlocked. My son was with me that day at a doctor's office. Still I was fined because this is a good old boys club type of town.
   Well skipping to the chase, he had an accident before graduation in  a school he chose, a mall school of all thing which was for kids with behavior issues. I offered to pay to send him out of district. He didn't want it-said it was all about principle. So he has an accident, brain surgery and with a few days wakes up, and is taken for testing. The doctor comes back and asks, do you know your son has a mind like Einstein? Yes I did, The doctor said, well he still has it.
     So my little guy takes some piece of this to school, tells his teacher I said, my son is smarter than she is. She told him _according to him- no he isn't, not possible. Insecure? Why can't he be smarter? Why can't anyone be smarter than teachers? I'm sure this will rub many the wrong way, but think about this. Have you been invited to Mensa at the age of twelve? By the way, he never wanted to join and he never wanted to be in gifted classes, but the last one I wasn't in control of that so he went, but didn't like it. Too many people with higher I.Q.'s are snobs, just like those who don't have that same level of intelligence. Basically we are all just people living in a world and should leave ego's and attitudes at the door. Finally, who really cares? It's what you do in life to make you happy as a person, not your so called class, not positions, but integrity and character. Isn't that the principle of it all?

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