Saturday, June 14, 2014

Lisa Ling, Beautiful You, blah blah

      Are you sick of twisted headlines? I am just saw Lisa Ling diagnoses at forty-okay so I bite and see it's just ADD. But the headlines make it seems like she has a disease. Holy freaking crap' who doesn't have ADD today with so many busy lives? Get a doctor, get  diagnosis, get a prescription an then get labeled.
     The other newest one I saw was, How to be really beautiful and the picture it showed was first and of course a woman, whose face looked burned. WHY IS IT ALWAYS WOMEN??? They exploit your vanity and want your money !!! Plain and Simple. I think I'll write an article every day about Plain and Simple. Depression? or Lazy? No motivation? You must be depressed. Get a doctor, get a prescription and get a diagnosis and labeled.
      Now for those of you who want to bash this, I do know these things are and can be serious. I am talking about people who look for reasons, excuses, attention and meds.
     Live instead and don't be afraid to live, volunteer, help, work, but just do , do something, most anything just do.

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