Saturday, June 21, 2014

Logan's 4 Steaks York Pa.

       Today I had lunch at Logan's, off white street in York. I prefer to go in the off hours, less crowded, more relaxed and not as noisy. To be honest even when I have gone during regular dinner hours, it's isn't as noisy as another steakhouse in town. So for comparison, that other Steak house, well, it appears from my PAST experiences, the servers never have enough quality time to attend to orders and diners.
      At Logan's, having been there many different times, observing all servers and managers, I see a place where I want to take my favorite people to, family and friends. It's peaceful, has a bar which I haven't ever seen anyone get out of order, or even drunk. This is truly a family restaurant, but also  a place where a bunch of guys or gals...did I say gals? Yes, where they would want to meet, hang out, have chicken, steak, a burger, beer and anything else that whets their appetite.
      There is also a meeting room in the back, for parties and any function you might want. I now feel like a personal representative for Logan's :) But I'm one of those people who have lived  on the East coast most of my life and lived also on the West Coast. Having visited the mid-west too, I am sooo serious when I say you won't be sorry when you dine at Logan's. It isn't just the service which is great, but the management and whatever happens in the kitchen is to, well order and savor slowly.
       I am thankful to the management, servers and cooks for making my experiences as good as they are. A last note, another observation. Children. I have had a few different kids in as visitors etc, and they too are treated as if they're picking up the tab. Servers make eye contact with them, make helpful suggestions and the kids love that attention just as much as the adults do. So when you have a server anywhere take care of them as they do you. Should you ever get a poor meal item , it isn't their fault, so again if you can afford to go out to eat...well remember the server.

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