Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Who Are Your Parents?

       Do you really know? Have you seen your birth certificate? Why aren't people answering your questions? Kids have a right in my opinion to know birth parents, the real birth parents and yes, I know, every situation is different. But here is a situation I am very aware of. A man dies, leaves behind grown kids who have families of their own, but also a son who very well could be his as that man now has two different birth dates, so who was lying to him. While I know that man was a louse, that doesn't make me unfair to his inheritance.
    There are other situations-KNOW WHO YOU MARRY ! Boy is that hard because you love one another and trust each other. But I know a few situations where men have married, had  kids, and moved on, some not even divorcing their spouses. Why? Because it costs money. So those kids from those marriages grow up and either never meet, may meet and have different versions of that rotten father or nice father or even by a slight chance marry each other not know they're related.
     How many half siblings know about each other and how many want to meet or not? Maybe one does, pops up unexpectedly feeling elated to finally meet, but then, disappointment. That other sibling never wanted to meet anyone who was related to the rat of a parent who had a child and left only to raise another family or families.
    People should join and start posting who you are, where you came from and connect if possible. If not ancestry, find another way to search for those hidden relatives and put dates together. Father in the army? When? Is it possible  he is or isn't the real father and same with god ol' mom. Maybe there was a kinship adoption and they never told you. Many families have family secrets. Take the lid off the pot and start stirring.

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