Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pete's Sweets & The Profit

       I love this show ! How Great is it to have a guy come to you, not you go to a bank, beg for a loan you know you can't get, and along comes The PROFIT, Marcus  Lemonis who has a heart for People, Product and Profit. I wish I knew him when I was trying to create Doozybags. One time a guy contacted me and asked me to make five hundred golf bags because he liked what  sent him as a gift, but no way could I produce what he wanted for the cost he wanted.
      Right now I am trying to work on my house but in the back of my mind I never gave up Doozybags, and I know I have to stay focused, so finish the house stuff first, then organize my sewing supplies better and I am going to give it all I've got during these retiring years. Something else I need to know better is how to fix some things on my PC.  With this site alone suddenly my spelling corrector won't work. I will reread and do my best, so hopefully you understand.
       Now SWEET PETE"S oops, PETE's SWEETS, see either way that name sounds great, but it is Pete's Sweets. I loved watching this back and forth between Pete's fake partner, a guy who only wanted more, because he knew Marcus Lemonis was now involved. What a mind Lemonis has. He found a claus that should a shareholder not be able to equally meet the money put into the company those shares become less and less until he no longer has any shares at all, and yet the guy thought it all unfair. This was a man? who shook hands, agreed to work, but nope, he wouldn't or couldn't stick to it and told the Profit he wanted one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, (150,000.00) to be bought out. Marcus asked, to buy out what? What did you put in, two thousand?
        I love to see greed snuffed out and the look on Pete's face, his wife and Lemonis for a new, bright and prosperous American dream future is definitely worth staying up for. Good luck Pete, although with the wife you have, the staff that stood with you and Marcus to save you and kick butt from that deatbeat, you will surely succeed.

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