Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Jewish" Prisoners "entitled" to ?

      Okay So I remember when Sammy Davis converted to Judaism, but what's happening in York Pa in the York county prison is a joke and it's on the tax payers.
    When will prisoners be treated like prisoners and not like victims. Prisoners have more rights than anyone I know. WHY??? A person goes to prison because of  a crime he or she committed but receives  a vacation instead. I know. We all know this by now. What will it take to stop and treat prisoners as they deserve?

      This is why many people don't have any fear of going to jail. What law abiding citizens can afford college, cable, a gym, free food, medical attention, dental attention, glasses and so much more. Prisoners take away the rights and violate law abiding citizens only to enjoy many more right in prison.

   Now they "claim" to be Jewish. Well save taxpayer money and send them to Israel-NOW! Lets see them break the law over there. It used to be many were converted to the Muslim religion while in prison, next it will be Hindu, although...

   So if they have just converted to Judaism since prison, I think they need to all be circumcised, number one. Let's bring in the man to do the job-yes lets start there. Let's get a Mohel, pronounced (moyle) He'll know excatly how to Handle the situation.
  Dietary laws if allowed, should have to followed to the letter but proof of conversion must be met. If Jewish before prison a man must be born by birth canal by a Jewish woman. So how to prove conversion, find a rabbi and plan. There are Rabbi's in York. Do they speak the language? attend services? dress in the same manner, limited contact unless supervised, with the opposite sex, and what about hair ? I don't claim to know a lot but I do know most of these prisoners are lying. Grow as much food as they can. Make them work in the gardens, but really, are you kidding? This is just more crapola, send them all to Israel.

Missing Teen See photo and call, Number in post




This is a picture of my grandson, Kade Shipkowski, who has been missing from the Lyndora, Pennsylvania area (near Pittsburgh) since Friday. No family members have seen or heard from Kade since Friday, and although there is police involvement in the search, it has not been successful. I am asking all my friends to copy and paste or share or whatever you have to do to get this post out, particularly if you have friends or contacts in the Pittsburgh or Butler County area. Today is Kade's 17th birthday, and we are heartsick that none of us can share this day with him. If you think you know where Kade is, or if you have seen Kade, contact his father, Ryan Shipkowski at 412-260-7739. He is offering a cash reward for information of Kade's whereabouts or send me a private message via Facebook. Please help and spread this post across Pennsylvania. I am a very worried grandmother. Thanks for your help!!
  • Location: MISSING FROM PITTSBURGH PA 412-260-7739
  • it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Monday, February 25, 2013

Dr. OZ Crapola-Supplements, True or False

       Yesterdays show threw me for a loop. Dr. Oz came on with a guest about supplements and how a person or people could adversely be affected by taking them including vitamins. This guest spoke about how we really get enough in the foods we eat and can actually overdo or overdose by taking too many. So Oz announces he is taking back his thoughts on supplements. Okay, that was pretty honest.
       In the very next segment, here we go again, he was pushing supplements with another guest. I have a big question. Is he promoting Supplements or health? Why does he direct so much to women? Does he care at all about the health of men?
      I know OZ. has had  a few segments on about the health of men, but very few. I see a same kind of thing with Phil McGraw. His latest things is to push another book and his son as the publisher owning his own publishing company. I wonder how he was able to make his own publishing company?
    Back to OZ. I do like his show and appreciate his education and advice, but what I object to is that it all appears directed to women and seems like a same message over and over again. Why? Because he knows women will buy more and that sucks ! I take from it what may benefit me, but I know for sure without OZ my life has improved because a man, Thanks Marty, introduced me to  Forks over Knives and because I have two great kids who want me to take better care of myself. Do yourself a favor too, check out Forks over knives. You don't have to go drastic. I didn't, but I did find I like it and feel so much better, including the weight loss. Every day is a new day if you keep trying;it's when you stop trying there may not be a new day.

Nabisco "whole Grain" Crackers

      The words Whole Grain and Premium stand out on the box, to catch our eye and it does to fool us.
    I can still taste the salty taste from last night. This cracker box states it is made with sea salt. It truly does pay to read the labels and I wish I did that yesterday. I now know I need to stay away from this particular cracker. On the box it reads "topped with sea salt" in smaller letters. I know the difference and maybe we who love and crave salt want to fool ourselves into thinking, but it must be okay, the box says sea salt. No it says "topped with" I found myself licking the salt off, an old habit I thought I was done with.

    This morning I read the label and it really does fool us. This box has the ingredients in an end of the box, so when you first take it from the shelf and turn it around all you see are what appears to be positive ad type gotcha.'s

   There is a recipe for a garden vegetable bake in English and Spanish , with a picture of what looks to be a great baked dish. The gotcha here is, "Topped with whole grain sea salt" so the cracker itself isn't whole grain , but it's topped with a very few sprinkles of sea salt. Even now I know there's one sleeve left of crackers and my old mind set is, oh why not finish it off and get it done with. My new mind set is, feed it to the birds and get it out of temptations way. My Improved mind set is, PAY Close ATTENTION TO LABELS & Wording! I have learned.

Doozybags is getting a new look

       This week my old site Doozybags is getting a new look. Years ago I just couldn't wait  get a web site. I only found out after a new person  did the hosting that my first designer never added meta tags and more. So when you do a web site, ask questions such as how will people find me?
      I am hoping my new site will be ready by Thursday, sooner is always nice but I am very lucky getting it done. Oh, I'll back up a minute. Take some time and research how to get people to locate your site. I think one very good way is to tweet it, start a blog and add the link. On your blog it's always nice to add someone else's link. My new look web site Doozybags will have:
   assorted sewing projects
   books, old and new
   Music, Cd's (maybe vinyl )
Prices will be fair and all sewing project are triple stitched.  If you want to check out the old site and get back and look at the new site by the latest Friday, feel free. What a difference my new site will be. Thank you to everyone who reads my blog. movies are mainly VHS but these are examples of what I have as well as children's movies.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Norway and Bagpipes

       Norway and Bagpipes. How do they go together? Well if your mother is Norwegian and father was Scottish English, then that's how it works. If I had my way I would have been one hundred percent Norwegian, a viking :)  Either way it's an interesting combination.

       I was more interested in where my parents came from than where they lived or met. It was he first knowledge knowing people were coming from Norway to see all of us kids and my mother. At that time I had to be about eight-years old and I don't remember much except it was about three men and one lady. They men were all very big with heavy overcoats and wore hats, I think fedora's. The lady also wore a long coat and a knit hat. Then I listened as If I knew what they were talking about. My father stayed in another room most of the time. He never cared for visitors out of his class. I only realized that late in life. The, why he didn't want visitors.

     There were moments of people speaking English and I was let in to the kitchen t have coffee cake, struessel, and coffee. My sister wasn't too interested, but she also came in to grab a piece of cake as did my brothers. One brother hung out longer, but he was trying to get the lady to give him money, then my father called him. But I could stay. The lady had a beautiful green ring on, and I learned later it was Jade. Ever since, I've loved Jade, and of course pearls, but Jade is a favorite. She left me wear her ring and stuffed a handkerchief in to make it stay. It was fun being with them. Once in a while one of the men would pick up my chin, say something to my mother and she would nod yes and say yah, yah. After they left my mother said that they thought I looked like her mother a little. The biggest man gave me such a hug and squeeze when he left and told my mother to bring me to Norway when she came over and they would keep me. Oh how I wished. The lady took out the handkerchief and then took the ring back. Years later my aunt Greta gave me a Jade ring, but also many more years later when my belongings were shipped, it was stolen.
   Church was very important to me, more like the word Sanctuary, it really was for me and I I grew up, it became more of Sanctuary. My church was filled with Norwegian women. We had great Christmas parties with the Norwegian ladies club. I asked my mother once why she didn't go to them and she said it was for us kids and she could also get a break from the kids. I never did mind that as we also got a break from parents and more. The Norwegian women were so loving in an honest and good way. They didn't want or expect anything in exchange. They never tried to get information out of us and worse. They were just good wholesome people. 

       I used to watch The Norwegian men with their wives. Such gentlemen. They showed respect and appreciation , spoke t them like they were deserving and it was a great thing for me to watch. I used to think I'd grow up and marry a good Norwegian man and live in the fjords. I didn't really know what fjords were then. But I wanted a big ship and to be able to fish and bake and have Christmas mornings like I heard about. I identify with my Norwegian side.

     The Bagpipes and being part Scottish English, well the bagpipes are the best part. I knew my grandfather very well and better as I got older. He seemed to be a nice man, and then as I got older, I found out he had some traits just like my father, traits young girls don't want fathers to have or grandfathers. So I looked further into the Scottish side,looking for things I found on my Norwegian side, decency, and I did find it, but long distance, very long. I searched and found a great uncle and aunt in Scotland, Argylle Scotland and we wrote back and forth for a while. I wanted the Scottish Tartan of the family I met in  a letter, but it wasn't to be. They were elderly when I wrote and soon another relative wrote to me of their passing.

      Growing up I heard bagpipes first as a teen. Some crazy friend of the family would have a few beers, okay more than a few, put on his kilts and more and grab the pipes and match up the streets and play. We all heard Danny coming before we saw him. I would hear my father talk about how crazy Danny was. No he wasn't crazy, but actually a very good man who lost a son and every Saturday would mourn and play the pipes.

     The English side was my father's mother who I never met. I heard she died young, yet my father would never tell us that he even had a mother, just a step mother. One day I decided to look up a name I always heard him ask some man about. It turned out it was his own mother. So she didn't die young, and when my father died, I saw her name on his death certificate. So very little English attachment and some interest in the Scottish side, mainly  bagpipes.

      But I'll take a Norwegian krum kakke anytime, or fiske ball or those wonderful jelly cookies, you know with the powder on top and jam in the middle? oh yeah! I just had one wish, that I listend more to the Norwegian so one day I could spend a month in Norway and chat away!
   The photo is May 17, celebration in Brooklyn, Norwegian day parade.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Repair This, WIth Ron Myrnes

        Okay, so it's early and Ron isn't here yet, but he isn't supposed to be until ten. Today Ron is coming to do small plumbing repairs, but something I couldn't do. This guy surprises me every time. I know he doesn't usually do the following but he did to help me out.

       He put my story photos into files for the printer. One day chatting a little about word and pdf's my concern was making corrections once in a pdf file, so Ron offered to do this for me, said he knew how and it worked. With a lot  patience and time I have the proof of the Jelly Bean Forest, story book.  It will be ready for sale in tow to three weeks. Without Ron's knowledge and help, this project would not have made it by Easter 2013.
     With e mails back and forth between mainly Ron and the printer, success and ready to sell. Thank You Ron. I look forward to a new awning and repairing the front step and more as Spring gets closer.

     This book will be republished in it's original art works size for Christmas. Red and green jelly bean and a book on how they grow:)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I Am Who I Was Born to Be !


 As I sit here and write I am listening to, as I have been this last half hour, Susan Boyle.
  Though I may not know the answers,
  I can finally say I'm free
  If they're questions let me hear them
  I am who I was born to be...

That is my favorite part of the song. Today I received the Proof to a story, a children's story that without collaboration from Tom Kastet and Ron Myrnes, it would not have come true.

Listening to the music and realizing the completion of  a dream at my age, took a few hours to sink in, and when it did, I found myself overcome with memories and emotions. You know as a kid when you're told things and it continues into adult hood, you accept that maybe they were right. Somehow this very little book tells me a different story; Finally I am who I was born to be.
Not just a creator of stories because the people I know, know how I can make up stories for kids, but I am a writer, a mother of the two best kids on God's earth, a grandmother of one and one on the way, a cousin to a few terrific people in Norway, a believer and  a friend.

Now I know the answer.
I am Thankful.
Don't ever give up!

Monday, February 18, 2013


      We get all kinds of e mails and then say to ourselves, oh that's a good one, have to remember that, yet because of busy lives, we forget. For whatever reason this morning I thought about that test and know I am going to ask for it soon. Why not? CA 125
    YOU HAVE TO ASK FOR IT ! Because it's so expensive no one will offer it to you...SO ASK. CALL YOUR OBGYN and say I want to make an appointment to get this test done.   CA 125 I don't know what the protocol is for getting it done, if you have to have cancer in your family or not, but I don't think so. There are a few ways and one is a blood test, one is during your obgyn exam and I don't know the other but this is for women, a way to detect early cancer.

We have cancer cells in us, and what it takes to make them become that enemy within to destroy and take lives is somewhat unknown, but we hear it's how we eat and stress. Change your lives if you can. CA125
   Make it a day you'll remember to do once a year. Just do it, get it done and get that UNKNOWN, under the skin worry, gone.
     CA 125

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Faith, Beliefs, Food, Kids, Health, God, and Life

       Years ago there was a song titled, What's is all about, Alfie? I seem to think about that a lot or maybe it seems that way at times. We all go through periods where we, think deeply about things and then we have the what ifs.
Have you wondered what your life is all about? I do sometimes and talked that over with my son. His comment was, if we think too long about our purpose or what's to be our purpose, we don't enjoy life. That makes sense to me, and I thrive on common sense, yet to be honest I am very impulsive and my lack of financial common sense has gotten me into trouble at times.

     Common sense is how I catch kids in lies.  Common send is how I now eat once again, plant based. I started yesterday. A boy moved out of my home Friday and I knew I would go back to Gods way of eating which is plant based, however he also put animals here for our food too. That was a time when pesticides weren't "spread" so wide. This too was a chat with my son, how when I was doing Forks over Knives, I was emotionally happy, and happier each day. But it's pesticides that have to now make me decide what meats I will eat as I love meat and don't want to do without. I will research free range beef.

    There is a new reporter who I will look up now, stopping as this is important, BILL CURTIS ! I just remembered.  He even talked about that when he was interviewed about his beef.  He has a ranch in the Midwest where he lets his herd roam free, God's way, which is how it was in the beginning and no I wasn't there. So how would I know you ask? Look into when pesticides came to be. Check out cancers, when were they first know and what population of people have cancer and heart disease LESS than anywhere else. That information you will find in The Blue Zones areas. Look it up.

      Look at kids in this generation and a few generations before. What makes them happy or I should ask what makes them think they're happy? Electronics, drugs, money, alcohol, freedom, lack of responsibilities, bullying and more along those lines.

     Then look at other kids, kids who eat differently, whose family values are to do for others as you would have them do for you, who have spiritual connections, who do for others, take responsibility, education is important, money is when they work for it, ethics, respect of adults and property, the law, being there for friends, not being part of bullying and they don't have to have name brands and what other kids have. They live within their means and the means of the parents.
     So what's it all about Alfie? In that story, the young lady learns it's about love, not money, not all of the things money will get you but love. Love covers everything. If you have love of family and faith, you will respect yourself and others to start with, and from that the other things which have values will follow.
    Next time your child asks you about life and why we're here, let them know simply, for each other and to learn.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Jelly Bean Forest Story Book


 A finished product which has taken eleven months of collaboration is finally coming true. Well by the time the books arrive it will be one year, start to finish.

       I never had any idea how this would go. To me it seemed simple. I wrote it, had an illustrator, and a guy who knew all about adobe programs and more. Sounds simple too now the way I wrote it. But there wasn't anything simple about it, except possibly my part. Writing comes easy to me, and the rest, now that's a story in itself.

      The idea started with a friend and I who were e-mailing back and forth all kinds of silly stuff, and from that I thought about a Jelly Bean Forest. As I wrote it, in my mind it came to life. I could actually picture it. But once written, who would do the illustrations? Contacting the local high school started out good, but financial expectations were beyond me. So I was  e mailing a cousin in Norway who said to me, come to family first and it's cheaper.
    Siisel let me know her son Tom was an excellent artist,  I sent two stories to him and Tom sent  art work to me, and all I could think was, this kid is only fifteen? Family, cousins and boy was I thankful. The artwork is brilliant and he sent me the originals to scan and then my printer broke down.
   My daughter gave me her printer, but it was so different and didn't scan the way mine did, but again, I was thankful. Family, a daughter. She sent the originals back to Norway, helping out with that expense.
   Now it was time to go from word to a pdf file, but here I was worried as this was all new to me.  One day a guy Ron Myrnes was over for a home repair and in talking he let me know he could put it together for me in no time at all as he had much more computer program experience than I did. I am thankful.
    It took almost a couple of weeks. E mails went back and forth. phone calls back and forth and then  files to the printer. Yes! Finally it was about to come true. Then, the printer said something about the colors and compression and it wasn't good. He asked for different files and Ron hoped, I hoped, cousins in Norway hoped. Ron called, said well if that doesn't work I'll come over and get the originals. I could feel my hope go flat with saying, they were returned. I wanted this book, The Jelly Bean Forest to be ready by March tenth.
     Today, Wednesday I decided to go ahead anyway, as I made tee shirts, jelly bean bags and coloring books with Toms sketches. Then I ran an errand and came home, opened my e mails and there it was.
     The printer said the new files Ron sent worked and I will have a proof  copy tomorrow. I was ecstactic and called Ron who was on his way to meet his wife.
He was happy to hear the news and I was happy to let him know. I am thankful.
The Jelly Bean Forest story is a collaboration of family, family across the sea's, of a man who came one day to roto till a new garden, a printer who, yes will be paid, but many months ago taught me things here and there and I am thankful for everyone, yet I have to end with Tom and Ron who without their skills, talents and kindnesses, The Jelly Bean Forest would surely be overgrown.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cancer, Kids, Food and Chemo

       I have to start this by mentioning kids. Why do kids get cancer? I know, you're think why does anyone get cancer? I want to make as much of this positive. Look at all of the kids at St. Judes hospial for children, so imagine a hospital for kids with cancer? That's a lot of kids, and Thank you Danny Thomas and Marlo Thomas for keeping this hospital free of charge for families.
       So is it nature vs. nurture concerning getting cancer at such a young age. When we take into account the surroundings of where and how children grow, how they eat, play and what they live close to, I think how much society has to fight to be aware, learn and educate themselves concerning treatments and prevention, with prevention first.

     I do think prevention is possible and while this is just a personal opinion I wonder how many people who get cancer and live in cities live longer than the same people who live in the country, surrounded by views more pleasant, air which is cleaner, more fresh foods, seemingly less stress. I wonder. I would love to see studies done, yet at what cost?

    Do you remember hearing about, The Blue Zones?  People who live in the blue zones are less likely to have cancer and less chance of heart disease. Stress is less. This Saturday I am restarting my own life and will try to live the third part of my life as those in the blue zone. I will have removed one serious stressor, and introduce a way of living I started last year, but let that go and brought a stress back into my life.

    We can control many stresses, and it's up to our own priorities.  Children should be taught from day one about Blue zone living and live lives as they were meant to be, away from hospitals, away from Chemo, x-rays- and all that stuff that adds to a less happier way of life later on.
     Moms and dads, it's never too late. Well I am off to dust off my bike, Saturday, here I come :)