Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Underarmour Clothing Wear for Everyone

      Some time ago My son who is a bike rider let me in on Underarmour clothing. He gave high praise for durability, weather resistant as well as weather protective, keeping a person cool or warm as needed in any particular weather.
  Then I met two kids, one of whom at first I was told only wears under armour. By then I learned Underarmour was used mostly as out side clothing and with that you don't  have to pile on layers and layers feeling all bulked up. So now these kids come along who are also Underarmour fans, It isn't about style although they look as fashionable when they go to school or sporting events and even to a movie as anyone else does. Good things come in pars. Now I had three witnesses.
    Finally about a month ago I attended a bike race, and behold! It looked like an UNDER AMOUR FAN club. Now go, buy your Winter, Summer, Spring or Fall Underarmour wear. Hey it's time to ski or shovel the driveway. Ski first, shovel later, but don't forget your Underarmour :)

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