Saturday, November 17, 2012

Movie, "BOOM" MMA, Freakin' Smokin!

              I just got back from the movie with two boys, one a guest and that alone was great. He was so polite and appreciative it made the day better. Anyway, DO NOT PAY Attention to CRITICS. You know the kind who get paid to critique movies.
              This is a movie for anyone and yet of course if you have any kids who have tendencies toward violence, they will miss the point of the story and only see the aggression in the MMA rings and during practice sessions.
     It was the kind of movie I actually wish I was in Brooklyn for. There  people would stand and cheer, yell a few yeas for the good guys, hoop and holler, grin and shout. Here, nothing, zip, except for a few people saying aw's, but the passion was missing. The story was filled with passion and the music; I was swimming in it. During some of it where Henry Winkler played the music teacher and led his class into that symphony type of music playing softy, but with heart felt euphoria, I closed my eyes to feel it even better that I did during his first class showing. The music! It's true; Without music, well what do you think?

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