Saturday, November 17, 2012

Arrogant and Entitled-STOP!!!

       Where do people get off expecting they deserve? That they simply deserve to have, because they want it and then get mad because you tell them, no you're not getting that. I for one am fed up with the attitude of people who behave in a manner that's one of arrogance and entitlement. Sure I heard that phrase from Dr. Phil, but it couldn't have been said better. I have used those exact words before in the same sentence/s, but for some reason it hit closer to home last night.
       I know the reason too but am somehow still dumbfounded at the expectations young people have and okay maybe many adults too. But we are in such a gimmes society, one of being self-absorbed, it's no wonder more and more people can't mend relationships.
       What about empathy? Try just more than once to put yourselves into someone elses shoes. Oh that's too hard. It would mean thinking about someone else. About a month ago, I heard a little kid talk about his guardians and he was worried about their finances. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. How kind, thoughtful and selfless. His words should be echoed throughout where ever we go. He said, well they only have a little money so I don't want to ask...Now how does he know what kind of money they have unless he was told or overheard something? But he showed empathy. Either way he shows he cares about how others are doing.
      Christmas is close, so very close, and expectations are too high for me so I am not going to be concerned about gift giving to those who thing they deserve it. What makes people deserve about five hundred dollars worth of gifts? People who don't want to give back, but simply take? Nooo way Jose. Christmas is about Love and a birth and giving because you want to give, weather it's to tithe more, give to a favorite charity a little extra, help someone out a little, gifts for loved ones and some not so loved ones, help with the recent disaster and all in all to spend your money they way you see fit. Don't put yourselves in a bad way because people feel entitled and or will be mad if you didn't buy a huge gift or gifts. Remember, it lasts for a little while. If they get mad, they'll get over it.
       If they don't, you know you did right from the start.

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