Friday, November 16, 2012


       Recently I had a heart exam, came out fine, but asked about Plaque and the doctor said it this way. No further tests needed since your tests are as good as they are, however, if you live in America, you have Plaque.

   That brought to thinking about Plaque in America as how diseased we are concerning everything else. Look at kids and education. Educators for the most part bend over backwards to help kids who "get" diagnosed with anything and everything, so schools have to comply with IEP's and so much more. The kids, not all but many continue to not appreciate, but use and take advantage. The answer? LEAVE THEM BACK ! I am tired of babying these children who will end up getting out of HS with a diploma for doing as little as possible and in the end, AMERICA pays. Kids with attitudes and words such as, "They can't do that" and or, "they're not allowed to do that, and I have my rights."
   True you have your rights, but you ARE THE PLAQUE IN AMERICA ! You should be left back you whiny little snots with all of those rights.
     JOBS..PLAQUE in AMERICA or rather not in AMERICA. Why can't we take some control? I know we didn't see it coming but how many years have to pass before we take control. STOP BUYING as much as possible, things made in other countries. I know , America seems more like everything is made in China and other foreign countries. If you are reading this you have a computer. Look up Made in America products. They are all over.
     PORN PLAQUE...get rid of it! Check history on your child's computer, and also on your spouse's computer, check recently deleted history. Check the recycle bin.
  Just take time in the choices you do have. Let's try as hard as we possibly can and get rid of Plaque in America- Oh lets' not forget GOSSIP ! A serious form of PLAQUE,  and usually by a neighbor right across the street from you who never has all the information, but is quick to spread rumors, calls himself a God fearing man, but quick to destroy anther's integrity, add ruination to a child's life and simply sets out to destroy=PLAQUE. Okay, off to brush... anything that needs it.

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